OUTPUT YES Prints a report every time you send a document.REPORT WITH TX IMAGE Enables/disables printing of the first page of thefax under the report.ON Prints the first page.OFF No first page is printed.2.RX REPORT Enables/disables automatic printing of areception report.OUTPUT NO No report is printed.PRINT ERROR ONLY Prints a report only when a reception erroroccurs.OUTPUT YES Prints a report every time you receive a document.3.ACTIVITY REPORT Enables/disables automatic printing of anACTIVITY REPORT after every 20transactions.ON Prints the ACTIVITY REPORT.OFF No ACTIVITY REPORT is printed.3.TX SETTINGS Sets the transmission functions.1.ECM TX ECM (Error Correction Mode) transmission isturned on or off.ON All transmissions are conducted with ECM if theother party’s fax supports ECM.OFF ECM is turned off.2.PAUSE TIME Sets the length of the pause you insert into adialing sequence.01 to 15SEC (04 SEC)Name Descriptions