External Connections 109You can complete the conversion to standard definition in the cam-corder and then use the supplied software ImageMixer 3 SE to savethe converted scenes and burn them onto DVDs in your computer.Your computer must have a preinstalled DVD drive with writing capabil-ities.InstallationSee ‘PIXELA Applications’ Installation Guide.Using the softwareSee ‘ImageMixer 3 SE Software Guide’ (PDF file).Even without a computer, you can convert your video recordings intostandard definition scenes and create DVDs using the optional DW-100DVD Burner. Refer to this section along with the relevant sections in theinstruction manual of the DW-100.Converting Scenes into Standard Definition in the CamcorderConvert high-definition scenes in the built-in memory to standard defi-nition before creating a DVD disc. Converted scenes will be saved tothe memory card.1 Power the camcorder using the compact power adapter.2 Insert a memory card with sufficient available space in thecamcorder.3 Open the index screen in the built-in memory that contains thescenes you want to convert.• You can press to open the index screen for videosnapshot scenes. You can press to open the playlistindex screen.4 Select ( , ) the scene you want to convert.• This step in not necessary for scenes in the playlist. When convertingthe playlist, you cannot convert individual scenes so the entire playlistwill be converted.5 Convert the scene(s).Operating modes:VIDEO SNAPINDEX SEL.