3. REPAIR3-1. Notes on Service Part Replacement (and Disassembling / Reassembling)MX700 TABLE OF CONTENTSService part Notes on replacement *1 Adjustment / settings Operation checkLogic board ass'y (QM3-2834)- Before removal of the logicboard ass'y, remove the powercord, and allow for approx. 1minute (for discharge ofcapacitor's accumulatedcharges), to prevent damages tothe logic board ass'y.- Before replacement, check theink absorber counter value (byservice test print or EEPROMinformation print).[See 3-4. Verification Items, (1)Service test print for details.]After replacement:1. Initialize the EEPROM.2. Set the destination in theEEPROM.3. Set the ink absorber countervalue.4. Set the language to bedisplayed on the LCD.[See 3-3. Adjustment /Settings, (10) Service mode,for details of 1 to 4.]5. Perform print head alignmentin the user mode.- EEPROM information print- Service test print- Printing via USB connection- Copying- Direct printing from a digitalcamera (PictBridge)Absorber kit (QY5-0192) After replacement:1. Reset the ink absorbercounter.[See 3-3. Adjustment /Settings, (10) Service mode,for details.]- Ink absorber counter valueprint (Printing is performedautomatically after the inkabsorber counter is reset.)Carriage unit (QM3-2650)- The screws securing thecarriage rail are allowed to beloosened only at carriagereplacement. Before removingthe screws, mark the positionsof the screws on the carriage railso that they will be returned totheir original positions after thecarriage is replaced.At replacement:1. Apply grease to the slidingportions.[See 3-3. Adjustment /Settings, (6) Greaseapplication, for details.]After replacement:2. Adjust the distance betweenthe print head and the paper(between the carriage rail andthe platen).[See 3-3. Adjustment /Settings, (2) Carriage railadjustment, for details.]3. Check the ink systemfunction.[See 3-3. Adjustment /Settings, (10) Service mode,for details.]4. Perform print head alignmentin the user mode.- Service test print (Confirmink system function.)- Printing on thick paper.Paper feed motor (QK1-3849)- The red screws securing thepaper feed motor are allowed tobe loosened only for paper feedmotor replacement. (DO NOTloosen them in any other cases.)At replacement:1. Adjust the paper feed motor.[See 3-3. Adjustment /Settings, (1) Paper feed motoradjustment, for details.]Spur base unit (QM3-2664)After replacement:1. Check the ink systemfunction.[See 3-3. Adjustment /Settings, (10) Service mode,for details.]- Service test print15 / 41