NoteWhen sending black & white faxes, you can set the sender information to printinside or outside the image area. See TX TERMINAL ID.For color sending, the sender information is printed inside the print area and therecipient's name is not printed.You can enter the sender information from the Operation Panel. See RegisteringYour Fax/Telephone Number and Name (Sender Information).Three date display formats are available: YYYY/MM/DD, MM/DD/YYYY, andDD/MM/YYYY. For details on the date format settings, see DATE DISPLAY.Guidelines for Entering Numbers, Letters, and SymbolsThe following characters are assigned to the Numeric buttons.Button Uppercase lettermodeLowercaseletter modeNumbermode1 12 ABCÅÄÁÀÃÂÆÇ abcåäáàãâæç 23 DEFËÉÈÊ defëéèê 34 GH I Ï Í Ì Î gh i ï í ì î 45 JKL jkl 56 MNOÑØÖÓÒÕÔ mnoñøöóòõô 67 PQRSÞ pqrsþ 78 TUVÜÚÙÛ tuvüúùû 89 WXYZÝ wxyzý 90 0# -.SP* #!",;:^`_=/|'?$@%&+()[]{}<>Press the button to switch to uppercase letter mode (:A),lowercase letter mode (:a), or number mode (:1).* SP indicates a space.Follow the procedure below to enter letters and numbers when you register names and fax/phone numbers for the sender information or a coded speed dial.73