*1: Before replacement of the logic board ass'y, check the waste ink amount, and re-set the waste ink amount valuein the replaced logic board.[See Section 3-3. Adjustment / Settings, (7) Service mode, for details.]*2: The main waste ink absorber is separate from the platen waste ink absorber. In servicing, replace the waste inkabsorber which becomes full.[See Section 3-3. Adjustment / Settings, (7) Service mode, for details.]*3: Reset the waste ink counter when replacing the bottom case unit. The main and platen waste ink counters can bereset separately.[See Section 3-3. Adjustment / Settings, (7) Service mode, for details.]2-3. WarningsMachine (displayed on the LCD):*1: If the warning is displayed, the carriage does not move to the ink cartridge replacement position when thescanning unit is opened.Continuous alternateblinkingROM error - Logic board ass'y (MP170 QM2-3210,MP450 QM2-3231) *1Lights in orange RAM error - Logic board ass'y (MP170 QM2-3210,MP450 QM2-3231) *1Displayed warning RemarksLow inkPrint head temperature rise If the print head temperature is high when the scanning unit is opened, thewarning is displayed. *1When the print head temperature falls, the warning is released.Protection of excess rise of the print headtemperatureIf the print head temperature exceeds the specified limit, a Wait is insertedduring printing,1-7