I USB P.51I Wireless LAN P.52I WPS P.59I Wired LAN P.56I Additional Computer P.59Go to either of the following proceduresaccording to your connection method!ReslaJ1Forwiredtwlrelesl LAN U16BIf you t\ave select I\e Wlredlwlrmeu LAN sel!tng on Inepnmere operation ~na1 aCaJn:llng 10 the mnnecbonmethod, dIck [Restartj. Nelwolit S80Jp aa.en WIlldispiays8fterresiarfngyourc:omput!rIf nols.elede mf9f 10 !he GeWng Sl8ftl'ldClick Restart.canon Inslallallon completed successfully.When the computer restarts, Canon IJ Network Toolstarts automatically.After restarting the computer, remove the Setup CO-RaM and keep it in a safe place.• When using Mac OS X v.10.3.9, before using theOperation Panel on the machine to save scannedoriginals to the computer, it is necessary to selectMP Navigator EX as the launch application on ImageCapture under Applications. For details, refer to"Saving Scanned Data to PC Using the OperationPanel of the Machine" in "Scanning" in the on-screenmanual: Advanced Guide.w _Fotoeveioptnltnlllntl/Tlal"k8tlngofPtUdUCDthIIlbMlarmeecW&1omeI'nMClS.C8JlOI't~thIIlh~tleloW~,";,outcetlonptOClUCl,bemlecHdon)'OUl"compuietendsetltlOc.nonrrvoughUlClInl.errlet.lfyou~hat_ceIecIetldsendll'*In~ab..CII"notdllctoManycolectfldlfl1ormetloJl.diclllAgrMl~urt~.ItlN'IYJ)f"(lgfamOlJ'lefwM.c:Iclc(Ocoot~JW'l ...........,_ .... _llIlIitcIatMolld....,.~alIcwl.]'OUtQCllOlPUW_1lI'l ...lal:lo¥tOtWlY"ot)lOUtI*toMl~I'«\'IIIMHIlf\.In:Nll".~,.., .. -..III1t. .._1,I .... lll..,*YtpeGtI::~...... _".,..,.U/WltIIlI'llllllftlO'tCllll~.~~oaI«::tIdl (;e:l*6 Ag:ll!lCmenl Extended Survey ProgramWhen the Extended Survey Program screenappears, confirm the message.If you can agree, click Agree. If you click 00 notagree, the Extended Survey Program will not beinstalled.(This has no effect on the machine's functionality.)w-----• The screen does not appear on Mac OS X v.1 0.3.9.