other red screws.) [See 3-3. Adjustment /Settings, (1) Paper feedmotor adjustment.]Platen unit: QM2-2248Purge unit: QM2-2252Waste ink tube:QC1-6458Waste ink tubeholder: QC1-6460- By attaching the tape atthe specified 2 locations,secure the waste inktube to the waste inktube holder.At replacement:1. To protect the wasteink tube from beingpinched whenreassembling theprinter unit chassis intothe bottom case unit,tape the tube (at 2locations).[See 3-2. Special Noteson Repair Servicing, (3)Printer unit and bottomcase unit assembly.]After the printer unit isassembled in the bottomcase unit, the tubeconditions are notvisible. For confirmationof the tube conditions,perform the manualpurging 3 or 4 times,and confirm that nostrange noise is heard.Platen unitQM2-2248After replacement:1. Check the ink systemfunction.[See 3-3. Adjustment /Settings, (5) Servicemode.]- Service test printPR lift shaft ass'yQL2-0936CL INPUT GEARQC1-6213At replacement:1. Apply grease to thesliding portions.[See 3.3. Adjustment /Settings, (2) Greaseapplication.]- Service test printTiming slit strip filmQC1-6526- Upon contact with thefilm, wipe the film withethanol.- Confirm no grease is onthe film. (Wipe off anygrease thoroughly withethanol.)- Do not bend the filmAfter replacement:1. Perform the print headalignment in the usermode.- Service test printTiming slit disk filmQC1-6229Print headQY6-0061After replacement:1. Perform the print headalignment in the usermode.- Service test print*1: General notes:- Make sure that the flexible cables and wires in the harness are in the proper position andconnected correctly.[See 3-2. Special Notes on Repair Servicing, (2) Flexible cable and harness wiring, connection, fordetails.]- Protect the waste ink tube from being pinched when assembling the printer unit chassis into thebottom case unit.Since the tube conditions after assembly are not visible, perform the manual purging 3 or 4 timesto confirm that no strange noise is heard.[See 3-2. Special Notes on Repair Servicing, (3) Printer unit and bottom case unit assembly, fordetails.]1-13