6Print items: List item for network setting printContents: Meaning of list itemsSettable values: Settable values for usersDefault values: Values at shipment from the plantItems set to default values: Items re-set to the factory values (at shipment) by initializationPrint items Contents Settable values Default values * Itemsset todefaultvaluesPrinter Printer name - IP_5200R (Overseas)FirmwareVersionNIC firmware version - [Specific value. fixed]Wireless LAN Wireless LAN enabled/disabled Enabled/Disabled Enabled OStandard Compliant wireless LAN standard - IEEE 802.11g[fixed]Destination Corresponding channel list - 1B [fixed]MAC Address MAC address for wireless LAN onNIC board- [NIC BOARD-specificvalue. Fixed]Network Type Operation mode of wireless LAN - Infrastructure [fixed]SSID Set SSIDWhen ANY is set, current SSIDis printed in parentheses.Optional(can be freely set.)BJNPSETUP OChannel Current channelWhen inactive, left blank[Varies depending onconnection status.][Blank] OEncryption Current encryption method OFF/WEP/TKIP/AES OFF OAuthentication Current authentication method Auto/Open System/Shared Key/WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSKOpen System OAttachedInformationAttached information regardingencryption and authenticationWEP setting:64/128bit, ASCII/Hex,Key** Key set by user isdisplayed.WPA-PSK setting:Character Password/64 Hex digits[Blank] OLink Status Status of wireless LANWhen wireless LAN is invalid, ifnonexistent SSID is set, statusbecomes Inactive.Other than this case, statusbecomes Active.-InactiveSignalStrengthSignal strength: 0 - 100 %When inactive, 0 %[Varies depending oncommunicationenvironment.]0 %Link Quality Communication quality: 0 -100 %When inactive, 0 %[Varies depending oncommunicationenvironment.]0 %Wireless LAN setting informationTransmissionRateCurrent wireless LAN speed:1/2/5.5/6/9/11/12/18/24/36/48/56 MbpsWhen inactive, left blank[Varies depending on thecommunicating devices.][Blank]Mode IP address setting methodWhen disabled, left blankAuto/Manual Auto OIP Address Current IP addressWhen disabled, left blank0.0.0.0 - OSubnet Mask Current Subnet maskWhen disabled, left blank0.0.0.0 - OTCP/IP(wireless) DefaultGatewayCurrent default GatewayWhen disabled, left blank0.0.0.0 - O