2-2. Service Call Errors (by LED Blinking in Orange and Green Alternately, or Lit in Orange)*1: Before replacement of the logic board ass'y, check the waste ink amount (by service test print or EEPROM information print). If the waste ink amount is 7%or more, also replace the bottom case unit (QM2-1583) or the ink absorbers (QC1-5381 / 5382 / 5383 / 5384 / 5385 / 5386 / 5387 / 5388 / 5389 / 5390)when replacing the logic board ass'y.[See Section 3-3. Adjustment / Settings, (6) Service mode, for details.]*2: Reset the waste ink counter when replacing the bottom case unit.[See Section 3-3. Adjustment / Settings, (6) Service mode, for details.]2-3. WarningsPrinter (no LED indications):*1: If the warning is displayed, the carriage does not move to the ink tank replacement position when the access cover is opened.LED alternateblinking in orange andgreenError [Error code] Solution(Replacement of listed parts, which are likely to be faulty)2 times Carriage error [5100] - Carriage unit (QM2-1586)- Timing slit strip film (QC1-5373)- Logic board ass'y (QM2-1616) *1- Carriage motor (QK1-0545)3 times Paper feed error [6000] - Timing sensor unit (QM2-1587)- Timing slit disk film (QC1-4375)- Feed roller ass'y (QL2-0742)- Platen unit (QM2-1831)- Logic board ass'y (QM2-1616) *1- PAPER FEED MOTOR (QK1-0550)4 times Purge unit error [5C00] - Purge unit (QM2-1590)- Logic board ass'y (QM2-1616) *15 times ASF (cam) sensor error [5700] - Sheet feed unit (QM2-1220)6 times Internal temperature error [5400] - Logic board ass'y (QM2-1616) *17 times Waste ink absorber full [5B00] - Ink absorber (QC1-5381 / 5382 / 5383 / 5384 / 5385 / 5386 / 5387 / 5388 / 5389 /5390)- Bottom case unit (QM2-1583) *28 times Print head temperature rise error [5200] - Print head (QY6-0055)- Logic board ass'y (QM2-1616) *19 times EEPROM error [6800] - Logic board ass'y (QM2-1616) *111 times Carriage lift mechanism error [5110] - Lift shaft(QC1-4331)- Photo interrupter (WG8-5624)- Sheet feed unit (QM2-1220)- Logic board ass'y (QM2-1616) *112 times AP position error [6A00] - Sheet feed unit (QM2-1220)- Logic board ass'y (QM2-1616) *113 times Paper feed position error [6B00] - Sheet feed unit (QM2-1220)- Logic board ass'y (QM2-1616) *114 times Paper feed cam sensor error [6B10] - Sheet feed unit (QM2-1220)- Logic board ass'y (QM2-1616) *115 times USB Host VBUS overcurrent [9000] - Logic board ass'y (QM2-1616) *116 times Valve sensor error [6C00] - Purge unit (QM2-1590)- Logic board ass'y (QM2-1616) *117 times Motor driver error [6D00] - Logic board ass'y (QM2-1616) *120 times Other hardware error [6500] - Logic board ass'y (QM2-1616) *1Continuous alternateblinkingROM error - Logic board ass'y (QM2-1616) *1Lights in orange RAM error - Logic board ass'y (QM2-1616) *1Displayed warning RemarksLow ink of BCI-6BK / C / M / Y / PC / PM / R / G (atdetection of no remaining raw ink)Status indication only.Print head temperature rise If the print head temperature is high when the access cover is opened, the warning is displayed *1 .When the print head temperature falls, the warning is released.Protection of excess rise of the print head temperature If the print head temperature exceeds the specified limit, a Wait is inserted during printing,1 - 4Download Free Service Manual and Resetter Printer at http://printer1.blogspot.com