*1: Change the paper in each Bottom plate cleaning. The cleaning can end when paper does not get any soiling.*2: Locations to clean in servicing when soiling on paper in automatic duplex printing persists:* Occurrence level:A: The symptom is likely to occur frequently. (Caution required)B: The symptom may occur under certain conditions, but likeliness is assumed very low in practical usage.C: The symptom is unlikely to be recognized by the user, and no practical issues are assumed.To the topeach side of paper.8 C Print resultsStreaks or unevenprinting at theleading edge (fromtop to approx. 3mmdown) or at thetrailing edge (fromthe bottom up toapprox. 18mm) onspecialty paper ingrayscale printingOnly when all the followingconditions are met:- Specialty paper (PR, SP, SG,MP GP, etc.)- Grayscale printing- Paper is curled.- If paper is curled, theleading or trailing edgecontacts the ink absorber,preventing the dotplacement accuracy,resulting in unevenprinting or streaks.- Uneven printing at thetrailing edge.- Cancel grayscale printing,and print in colors.- To print color image ingray, change the imagecolor in gray using theapplication, then print itin colors.- Straighten the paper.- Lines or unevenprinting at the top orbottom of paper9 C Print resultsUneven printing atthe trailing edge(from the bottom endto approx. 20mm up)Only when both the followingconditions are met:- Photo Paper Plus DoubleSided (PP-101D)- Printing in dark flat colorIncorrect bidirectionalpositioning of the printhead. (Inaccuracy in inkdroplet placement at thetrailing edge)Perform print headalignment.- Perform automatic printhead alignment.- If the problem is notsolved by automatic printhead alignment, performmanual print headalignment.Color hue differs (orprinting is uneven) inthe bottom area.2 - 7Download Free Service Manual and Resetter Printer at http://printer1.blogspot.com PreviousNext |