4. FAQ (Problems Specific to the iP8500 and Corrective Actions)No. * Function Phenomenon Condition Cause Corrective action Possible call orcomplaint1 C Print resultsMargin (approx.0.3mm)- Paper feeding from thecassette, Photo Paper PlusDouble Sided (A4),borderless printing, printingon the back side of paper- In the low temperature andlow humidity environment- In the printer driver,increase the amount ofextension.- Change the paper feedingmethod from the cassetteto the auto sheet feeder.- A margin appears onprintouts.- Paper feeds at anangle.2 B Print results- Skewed paperfeeding- Printing on theplaten- Plain paper- In the high temperature andhigh humidity environment- If paper is curled,straighten it.- Try printing on the otherside of paper.- Paper feeds at anangle.- Printing is performedon the platen.- The back side ofpaper gets smeared.3 B Print resultsVariation in the topof form accuracy- A5 or legal size- In the low temperature andlow humidity environment- Not solved even when thenumber of sheets stacked inthe auto sheet feeder or thecassette is reducedDue to decrease of paperfeed capability in the lowtemperature and lowhumidity environment- Set the top margin to 4mmor more.- Print start positionvaries.4 B Print results- Skewed paperfeeding- Margin- Photo Paper Plus DoubleSided- 2L size (Japan only)- In the printer driver,increase the amount ofextension.- Change the paper feedingmethod from the cassetteto the auto sheet feeder.- A margin appears onprintouts.- Paper feeds at anangle.5 A Print resultsSoiling on the backside of paper (linesor streaks parallel tothe paper feeddirection)- After continuous borderlessprinting of small sized paper(such as 4 x 6), when alarger sized paper (such asA4) is printed.- With Photo Paper PlusDouble Sided or postcards,the phenomenon is likely tobe noticeable and to becomplained of by users, asprinting is performed onboth sides of such paper.In borderless printing,printing is performed to thesize slightly larger than thepaper size, and ink off thepaper is absorbed by theplaten's ink absorber.Absorbed ink may attach tothe platen rib(s) afterseveral dozen sheets areprinted, causing soiling atthe leading edge of paperor on the back side ofpaper.1. Perform Bottom platecleaning (from theprinter driver) up to 3times*1 .2. If soiling on the paperstill remains after 3times of Bottom platecleaning, wipe theplaten rib(s) and theirsurroundings with acotton swab.- Paper gets smeared.- The back side ofpaper gets smeared.6 B Print resultsSoiling on paper inautomatic duplexprinting (lines orstreaks perpendicularto the paper feeddirection)- Automatic duplex printing(Photo Paper Plus DoubleSided, postcards, plainpaper)On the rib(s) inside thesheet feed unit used forduplex printing, ink mistmay accumulate, smearingpaper.Temporary operationalsolution:Cancel automatic duplexprinting, and manually printeach side of paper.Cleaning by user:1. Perform Bottom platecleaning (from theprinter driver) up to 3times*1 .2. If soiling on the paperstill remains after 3times of Bottom platecleaning, wipe theplaten rib(s) and theirsurroundings with acotton swab.If the phenomenon persistsafter conducting 1 and 2,servicing is required.Service:Wipe any soiling or dirt offfrom the sheet feed unit andthe bottom case unit ribs *2 .- Paper gets smeared.- The back side ofpaper gets smeared.- Even after Bottomplate cleaning wasperformed, and theplaten ribs werecleaned with cottonswab, paper getssmeared.7 C Print resultsScratches on paper - PP-101D, PP-101, PR-101,SG-101, etc.- Paper feeding from thecassette- Multiple number of sheetsloadedScratches on the PF returnlever due to paper feedingfrom the cassette, andduplex printing path.- Change the paper feedingmethod from the cassetteto the auto sheet feeder.- If automatic duplexprinting is performed,cancel it, and, by settingonly a single sheet ofpaper in the auto sheetfeeder, manually print- Paper is scratched.- Marks appear onprinted paper.2 - 6Download Free Service Manual and Resetter Printer at http://printer1.blogspot.com