Entering Numbers, Letters, and SymbolsThe buttons on the operation panel allow you to enter (or change) characters, numbers, or symbols whensetting up the network or making other settings.Switching the Input ModeThe current input mode appears at the upper right corner of the LCD.Pressing the Setup button on the operation panel toggles through the input modes in the order lowercase> uppercase > numeric > symbols, showing the first available character.The following shows available characters in each mode.Mode Available charactersLowercase abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz SPUppercase ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ SPNumeric 1234567890 SPSymbols . @ - _ SP # ! " , ; : ^ ` = / | ' ? $ % & + ( ) [ ] { } < > \ ~SP: Indicates a space.Note• Only the input modes or characters available for input appear in their respective screens.Entering Numbers, Letters, and SymbolsUse the button to select a character and press the OK button to input it.When input of all characters is complete, hold down the OK button. When a confirmation messageappears, select Yes and press the OK button.• To insert a spaceSwitch to the lowercase, uppercase, or numeric mode, and then press the button once.Alternatively switch to the symbol mode and then press the button four times.• To delete the last entered characterPress the Back button. You can only delete the last entered character.Note• To terminate character entry, press the Stop button. When a confirmation message appears, selectYes and press the OK button.153