Viewing Images in Filtered Playback122Choose a target filter.z In single image playback, press the dbutton, then press the op buttons tochoose a jump method.z In , or , press the qr buttons tochoose a filter. Turning the 5 dial will onlydisplay images that match the filter of thechosen target image.z Press the l button to switch betweenInformation Display and No InformationDisplay.z Press the n button to restore singleimage playback.View the filtered images.z Press the m button to start filteredplayback. The jump method and a yellowframe will appear.z If you press the qr buttons or turn the 5dial, the chosen target images will display.z If you press the d button, [Filteredplayback settings cleared] appears on thescreen. Press the m button to cancelfiltered playback.Search by , , andTarget FiltersWhat if you cannot choose a filter?Filters that do not have any corresponding images cannot be chosen.Filtered playbackIn filtered playback (Step 2), you can view filtered images with “Quickly SearchingImages” (p. 120), “Viewing Slideshows” (p. 124), and “Magnifying Images”(p. 125). You can process all filtered images at once while performing operationsin “Protecting Images” (p. 128), “Erasing Images” (p. 132), or “Choosing Imagesfor Printing (DPOF)” (p. 152), by choosing all of the filtered images.However, if you change the category (p. 135), or edit an image and save it as anew image (p. 139), a message will appear, and filtered playback will cancel.COPY