3. DISASSEMBLY AND REASSEMBLY3.1 Cautions for Disassembly and Reassembly3.1.1 Cautions for ink stains (Ink path/ink mist)During servicing, be careful not to touch the ink path and get ink stains on theprinter, work table, and your hands and clothing.The ink path includes the BJ cartridge's ink tank supply inlet, the BJ cartridge's inkfilter, the ink nozzles, head cap, wiper, and waste-ink absorber.Also, a printer that has seen long-time use or heavy-duty use may have ink mistsoiling the platen, inside the front cover, and purge section.3.1.2 Damage by static electricityThe rubbing of clothing can cause a build up of static electricity on the human body.Static electricity can destroy electrical components or alter the electricalcharacteristics of components.Be extra careful when handling the control board.3.1.3 Deformation of spur tipsBe careful not to deform the spur tips.The spur tips contact the paper after the printing. Since the spur tips' contact area issmall, any ink adhering to the spur will be a minuscule amount that can be wiped offby the spur cleaner. It therefore will not dirty the paper. However, if the spur's tips arebent of out of shape, the contact area with the paper will be larger, and any inkadhering to the spur will be a larger amount that the spur cleaner might not be ableto wipe off completely. The spur will then stain the paper with a dotted line.2-13S600Part 2: Troubleshooting Troubleshooting