II. TABLE OF CONTENTSPagePart 1: PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS1 - 1 1. PRODUCT OVERVIEW1 - 1 1.1 Product Overview1 - 3 2. SPECIFICATIONS1 - 3 2.1 Printer Specifications1 - 3 2.1.1 Printer specifications1 - 4 2.1.2 Printer service life1 - 4 2.1.3 BJ cartridge service life1 - 5 2.2 Paper Specifications1 - 5 2.2.1 Paper sizes and weights1 - 5 2.2.2 Paper types and settings1 - 6 2.2.3 Printing area1 - 7 2.3 BJ Cartridge Specifications1 - 7 2.4 Printer and Scanner Drivers1 - 8 3. PACKING CONFIGURATION1 - 9 4. PARTS CODE LISTPart 2: TROUBLESHOOTING2 - 1 1. PRINTER OPERATION2 - 1 1.1 Printer Operation Procedure2 - 1 1.2 Status Indicator2 - 2 1.3 Operating the Printer2 - 2 1.3.1 Cleaning operation2 - 2 1.3.2 Printing the nozzle check pattern2 - 4 1.3.3 Roller cleaning operation2 - 5 2. SERVICING2 - 5 2.1 Before Troubleshooting2 - 6 2.2 Detectable Problems from System Start to Exit2 - 9 2.3 Troubleshooting Problems2 -10 2.4 Troubleshooting Error Indications2 -13 3. DISASSEMBLY AND REASSEMBLY2 -13 3.1 Cautions for Disassembly and Reassembly2 -13 3.1.1 Cautions for ink stains (Ink path/ink mist)2 -13 3.1.2 Damage by static electricity2 -13 3.1.3 Deformation of spur tips2 -14 3.2 Exploded View2 -15 3.3 Disassembly and Reassembly2 -15 3.3.1 Carriage lock release2 -16 3.3.2 Removing and installing tap screws2 -16 3.3.3 Installing and removing the carriage encoder film2 -17 3.3.4 Handling encoder film2 -17 3.3.5 Removing and installing the control board2 -18 3.3.6 Removal of red screws prohibited2 -18 3.3.7 Installing the logic board cover2 -19 3.3.8 Handling the purge unit2 -20 3.3.9 Installing the control ROM cover2 -21 3.4 Adjustments and Settings After Disassembly and Reassembly2 -21 3.4.1 Adjustments2 -22 3.4.2 Applying grease2 -23 3.4.3 Print head position adjustment2 -24 3.4.4 Print head seam stripe adjustmentII