6-10Display Screens of Panorama Creation Tool1 [Load from camera]Show the panorama image saved in the camera.2 [Save to camera]Save the currently shown panorama image in thecamera.3 [Load from file]Show JPEG files as a panorama image.4 [Save to file]Save the currently shown panorama image as a JPEGfile.5 Creation date and timeShow the date and time a panorama image wascaptured or loaded from a JPEG file.6 [Delete]Delete the currently shown panorama image.7 Panorama Image Display AreaShow the panorama image.8 [Cancel]Stop the capture of a panorama image.9 [Start Panorama Creation]Start capturing a panorama image.Aq [Finish Panorama Creation]Confirm the captured panorama image.Aa Status DisplayShow the panorama image capturing status, such as[Capturing image ], etc.As [Exposure Lock]Select [Center] or [Current Position] for the autoexposure lock position.Ad [White Balance Lock]Set the white balance to [Do not lock], [Center], or[Current Position].Af [Focus Lock]Set the focus to [Do not lock], [Center], or [CurrentPosition].Capturing a Panorama ImageThe capture is started.Change the settings for [Exposure Lock], [WhiteBalance Lock], and [Focus Lock] as necessary.To stop the capture when underway, click [Cancel].When you position the mouse pointer over thepanorama image, a white grid is shown. If you want torecapture part of the panorama, position the pointerinside the grid, right-click and select [Recapture].To recapture an entire panorama image, click [StartPanorama Creation] again.15678Aa9 AqAf2 3 4AsAd1 Click [Start Panorama Creation].