Chapter 22-26Cleaning 4 CLN-M-4(Replace P.head)Ink drainage for head replacement Drains ink to replace the head (drains only the ink in the head).Cleaning 5 CLN-M-5(Move Printer)Ink drainage for secondary transport Drains ink from the head and tube for secondary transport.Cleaning 6 CLN-A-6/CLN-M-6(Head Cleaning B)Normal (strong) cleaning Performs suction stronger than when adjusting the ink fillingamount in the head or normal cleaning to unclog nozzles.Cleaning 7 CLN-A-7 Aging Performs idle ejection after replacement of the head.Cleaning 10 CLN-A-10(Move Printer)Ink filling after secondary transport Fills the empty tube (during installation after secondarytransport) with ink, and performs normal cleaning.Cleaning 11 CLN-A-11 Ink filling after head replacement Performs normal cleaning after head replacement and inkfilling.Cleaning 15 CLN-A-15 Dot count suction Performs suction to remove ink adhered to dried nozzles andthick ink accumulated on the face when the dot count reachesthe prescribed value.Cleaning 16 CLN-A-16 Precipitated ink agitation Performs the agitation (ink supply valve open/close) operationto prevent the ink ingredient from precipitating.Cleaning 17 CLN-A-17 Cleaning (weak) Performs cleaning weaker than normal cleaning to unclognozzles.Cleaning modeName of Service mode orPRINT INF(Name of Main Menu)Operation Description of cleaning