Chapter 5545.1.12.7 Service Label 0017-6191iR2022i / iR2025 / iR2030 / iR2018 / iR2022 / iR2018iEnter the value given in the service label affixed to the rear cover when it has been replaced with a new one.F-5- e-RDS Communication Error Log List 0017-6192iR2022i / iR2025 / iR2030 / iR2018 / iR2022 / iR2018iDescription: Detailed information output when a communication error occurs(For the output error message, see "RDS > Error Messages".) Environmental Log Report 0017-8541iR2022i / iR2025 / iR2030 / iR2018 / iR2022 / iR2018iF-5-14History descriptionItem Explanation[1] Serial number Serial number of this machine[2] Number The larger the number of a enviroment log data, the more recently it has occurred.[3] Date Data acquisition day[4] Time Data acquisition time[5] Temperature (deg)[6] Humidity (%)[7] Fixing roller temperature 1(deg)[8] Fixing roller temperature 2(deg)FACTORY 1 2 3 FACTORY 1 2 3031 50 026032 50 031033 50 032034 100 033035 100 034036 100 041037 100 042038 100 043039 100 044045046047048054213214215#PRINT>#PRINT NUMERIC #SCAN>#SCAN NUMERICbody No:BFDxxxxx#SCAN>#SCAN NUMERIC************************************************** ENVIROMENTT LOG REPORT **************************************************06/27/2007 13:07 FAX 0001[1][2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]SERIAL NO XXXxxxxENVIROMENTNo. DATE TIME D+Temp E+Hum F+Temp F+Temp001 0616 0930 D030 E026 F180 F180002 0616 1030 D028 E025 F181 F181