CHAPTER 2 NEW FUNCTIONS2-49COPYRIGHT © 2001 CANON INC. 2000 2000 2000 2000 CANON iR8500 REV.0 MAR. 20012.6.7 Error DetectionThe following are checked in relation to the fixing temperature control mechanism:[1] Temperature control error by the main thermistor (TH1)[2] Sensor error by the sub thermistor (TH2)[3] Overheating error by the thermal switch (TP1)F02-206-06DC controller PCBJ508B1781020S-TEMP0V0VM-TEMPVoltage according to thereading of the main thermistorUpper fixing rollerMainheaterSub thermistorMain thermistorThermal switch9J505A0V0VMHDTCSHDTCZEROCROSS100/200V detectSH-ONMH-ONJ512A24VRelay-OFFVoltage according to thereading of the sub thermistorTurns off the ACline at 228˚C. RLYRelayFront coverACdriverRelay PCBSub heaterWhen ‘0’, the AC relay is cut off.171716112111511113141010When ‘1’, the main heater goes ON.When the sub heater is powered, ‘0’.