Keep this Quick Guide near the scanner for ready reference.Job Registration Tool Dialog Box11111 Job listShows the registered jobs.☞ The job for the icon ( ) that is colored is executedwhen the scan button is pressed.22222 [New/Editing] buttonOpens the New/Editing dialog box.33333 [Copy] buttonCopies a registered job to another Job No.44444 [Delete] buttonDeletes the selected job from the Job list.55555 [Admin] buttonOpens the Admin dialog box.New/Editing Dialog Box66666 Job titleEnter the job title to appear on the display panel.77777 FunctionSelects the function assigned to the Scan button.☞ The contents of the Editing dialog box aredetermined by the selected function.88888 Scanner settingOpens the TWAIN driver’s basic setting dialog box toconfigure the scanner.99999 Save to My Pictures folderSaves scanned images in the My Pictures folder in MyDocuments.☞ When this check box is not checked, you canspecify the destination folder for saving images.00000 File nameSpecifies the file name.☞ Image file names are created by appending a timestamp to the specified file name.AAAAA File typeSelects the file format for saved images.☞ The [Setting] button is enabled when PDF or TIFF isselected.BBBBB [Setting] buttonThis button is enabled when the PDF or TIFF file type isselected, and opens the PDF or TIFF Setting dialog box.☞ The PDF setting dialog box provides [Compression]and [OCR] settings.☞ The TIFF setting dialog box provides [Multi-tiff setting]and [Compression] settings.CCCCC [Access setting] buttonOpens the Access setting dialog box.☞ Enter the correct User name and Password toobtain access to a shared network folder.DDDDD PrinterShows the default printer. Printer settings can bechanged by clicking the [Printer setting] button.EEEEE Print formatSelects the printing size.☞ [Actual size] prints at the same size as thedocument.☞ [Fit to paper] resizes scanned images to fit on theprinting paper when the images are larger than thepaper. When the images are smaller than the paper,they are printed at actual size.FFFFF Save ImageSelect this check box to save images scanned using“Attach to E-mail”.GGGGG LauncherStarts applications set with the Windows event function.See the user’s guide for detailed information.PDF/TIFF SettingsHHHHH Compression rateSelects [Normal] or [High Compression] rate.☞ [High Compression] reduces the file’s size, but alsoreduces the image quality slightly.☞ [High Compression] is useful for grayscale andcolor images.IIIII Language for OCR/Apply OCRRecognizes printed text in a document as characters,and adds text data to the PDF file.☞ When the [Apply OCR] check box is selected,recognized text data is saved where the printed textis located in the PDF file.☞ When OCR is applied, Deskew is enabled, regardlessof the configured settings for the TWAIN driver.JJJJJ Multi-tiff settingSelects the saving method for multiple page images.☞ [One page] creates one file for one page with thenumber of TIFF files corresponding to the number ofpages.☞ [Multi pages] saves the images for all of the pagesas one file.KKKKK CompressionCompresses image files before saving them.☞ Black and white images are compressed as CCITTGroup 4 images, while grayscale and color imagesare compressed as JPEG images.Admin Dialog BoxLLLLL Capacity Warning SettingsSpecifies the folder for saved image files, and thecapacity of that folder, in advance.☞ After specifying the folder and starting to scan, awarning message is displayed when the specifiedcapacity is reached while scanning.MMMMM Register Folder/Display Warning DialogThe [Capacity Observed Folder] and [Warning Size]items are enabled by specifying a [Register Folder](number) and selecting the [Display Warning Dialog]check box.☞ When the capacity warning is displayed, follow thedisplayed instructions to continue scanning.NNNNN Show Monitor DialogThe Monitor for DR-2050C dialog box appears whenthe Scan button is pressed, and the scan progress isdisplayed.OOOOO Maximum size of attached fileSpecifies a maximum size for image files to beattached to e-mails.PPPPP Job Backup/RestoreBacks up and restores registered jobs.☞ Backup files can be restored on another DR-2050Cdocument scanner.This Quick Guide describes settings for the JobRegistration Tool. Click the Help button for details.Job Registration Tool Quick Guide