Keep this Quick Guide near the scanner for ready reference.Basic Setup Dialog Box11111 User PreferenceName and save your settings.☞ Names can consist of up to 32 characters.22222 ModeSelects the scanning mode.☞ [Text Enhanced] and [Advanced Text Enhancement2] process the background of a document so thetext is enhanced and easier to read.☞ The Smoothing Gray/Color options used to smoothimages and reduce moiré patterns are availablewhen [400 dpi] Dots per inch or below is selected.33333 Page SizeSelects the size of the pages to be scanned.☞ Selecting [Auto-detection] causes automatic pagesize detection when scanning.44444 Dots per inchSelects scanning resolution.55555 BrightnessAdjusts brightness of scanned images.[Brightness] is set automatically when the TextEnhanced mode is selected.66666 ContrastAdjusts contrast of scanned images.[Contrast] is set automatically when the Black andWhite or Text Enhanced mode is selected.77777 Scanning SideSpecifies the side of the document to scan.☞ When [Skip blank page] is selected, images areskipped if they are determined blank based on the[Ratio of black pixels] value.☞ When [Folio] is selected, both sides of a documentare scanned, and the images displayed arecombined into one image. For details, refer to theuser’s guide.☞ When the [Reverse side] check box is selected, amirror image of the scanned document isdisplayed.☞ [Ratio of black pixels] specifies the ratio of blackareas (0 to 20%) when skipping blank pages.88888 Feeding OptionSelects the document feeding method.☞ [Standard Feeding] scans loaded documents afterstarting scanning from the application program.☞ [Panel-Feeding] scans loaded documents afterpressing the scanner's scan button.☞ [Automatic Feeding] starts scanning whenever thescanner detects a loaded document.99999 Batch SeparationThis setting is enabled when the [Panel-Feeding] or[Automatic Feeding] Feeding Option is selected.Documents can be scanned as separate batches.☞ When [Auto] is selected, batch separation isperformed when scanning with [Panel-Feeding] or[Automatic Feeding] starts.☞ When [Panel] is selected, batch separation isperformed when the batch separation button in theScan Panel is clicked.00000 DeskewWhen a document page feeds at a slant, the scannedimage is straightened.AAAAA PrescanWhen scanning starts, a page of the document isscanned and its image is displayed in the Prescanwindow.Scan Area Dialog BoxBBBBB Page SizeSelects the size of the pages to be scanned.☞ Click [Custom] to register a non-standard documentsize as a custom page size.CCCCC AreaSpecifies the area to be scanned.☞ These settings are disabled when [Auto-detection]is selected for the Page Size.DDDDD Area WindowThe appearance of this window indicates the currentPage Size setting.☞ The specified scan area can be adjusted bydragging the mouse.Advanced Settings Dialog BoxEEEEE Drop-out colorEnabled for all scanning modes except [24-bit Color],this function selects skipping (drop-out) of red, green,or blue or enhancement of red when scanning the frontor back of documents.FFFFF GammaTo alter the standard gamma curve, select [Custom]Gamma Data and change the gamma curve. Fordetails on this setting, click the Help button.GGGGG Edge emphasisEnhances contours in scanned images.HHHHH Border RemovalRemoves the black border that may be created aroundscanned images.IIIII Scanner AdjustmentScanner Adjustment is a function used to adjust thereference values of the scanner when abnormalitiesoccur within the scanned images, and normalmaintenance does not remedy the problem. For detailson Scanner Adjustment, refer to “Adjusting theScanner” (see P.75) in the user’s guide.This Quick Guide describes the dialog boxes displayedby CapturePerfect. Depending on your applicationprogram, the basic setup dialog box may not bedisplayed. In this case, the Advanced Settings dialogbox, which includes some of the functions in the basicsetup dialog box, is displayed. Click the Help button fordetails.ISIS Driver Quick Guide