44-56Group Item Description DetailCOPY CopyconfirmationsensorMP: Manual FeederPaper Sensor (S9)0/Document presence, 1/DocumentabsencRE: Pre-RegistrationSensor (S5)0/Document presence, 1/DocumentabsencRP: Loop Sensor (S6) 0/Document presence, 1/DocumentabsencFX: Fixing OutletSensor (S19)0/Document presence, 1/DocumentabsencD1/2:No.1 DeliverySensor(S12)/No. 2Delivery Sensor(S42)0/Document presence, 1/DocumentabsencTU: Reversal Sensor(S40)0/Document presence, 1/DocumentabsencDL: Duplex FeedSensor (S7)0/Document presence, 1/DocumentabsencADF ADF sensorcheckW1: Document widthsensor 10/Document presence, 1/DocumentabsencW2: Document widthsensor 20/Document presence, 1/DocumentabsencL1: Document lengthsensor 10/Document presence, 1/DocumentabsencL2: Document lengthsensor 20/Document presence, 1/DocumentabsencLT: Last documentdetection sensor0/Document presence, 1/DocumentabsencEX: Delivery reversalsensor0/Document presence, 1/DocumentabsencDR: Read sensor 0/Document presence, 1/DocumentabsencRG: Registrationpaper sensor0/Document presence, 1/DocumentabsencCV: Cover open/closesensor1/Cover open, 0/Cover closedDS: Document setsnsor0/Document presence, 1/DocumentabsencRK: Release motorHP sensor1/HP, 0/besides HPTM: Timing sensor 0/Document presence, 1/DocumentabsencT-4-66T-4-66Card reader test <6-3: NCR sts>Press numeric keypad key 3 on the FACULTY menu to select the card reader test. In this test,verify the successful operations of the card reader.NCR Sts:12345678DPT MGN OK RDY 1234[1] Card reader and card availability indicationCard available: Eight-digit card IDNo card: Card NoneNo card reader available: NCR None[2] Card type and card reader status indicationDPT: Department cardPRC: Unit pricing cardMAX: Upper limit setting cardERS: Erased cardSRV: Service card(No indication): No card[3] Card typeMGN: Magnetic cardOPT: Optical card[1][2] [3] [4] [5] [6]Press numeric keypad key 3[4] Can statusOK: Normal scanERR: Scan errorNG: Nonstandard error(No indication): No card[5] Equipment statusIN: Initialization in progressRDY: Ready[6] Card reader version indicationFour-digit numberLine signal reception test <6-9: LINE DETECT>Press numeric keypad key 9 on the FACULTY menu to select the line signal reception test. Inthis test, verify the successful operations of the NCU signal sensor and the frequency counter.Menu 1 detects the CI state, while menu 3 detects the CNG signal.Test menu 1Press numeric keypad key 1 on the LINE DETECT menu to select test menu 1. When CI isdetected on the telephone line connection terminal, the touch panel (LCD) display changesfrom OFF to ON, indicating the received frequency. The touch panel (LCD) also displaysthe on-hook or off-hook state of an external telephone set as detected. The touch panel(LCD) displays, from left to right, CI, CI frequency, hook port and FC with indications of 1:ON and 0:OFF.Test menu 2Press numeric keypad key 2 on the LINE DETECT menu to select test menu 2. When theCNG signal is detected on the telephone line connection terminal, the touch panel (LCD)••F-4-15F-4-15