CarNetix PSU-PC19 V2.0 Installation Manual1.0 PSU-PC19 IntroductionNOTE: This manual and feature set apply to Rev 2.0 and above of the printed circuit board (PCB).The PCB revision number is printed on the top of the PCB in white lettering. Please make sure youare using the correct manual for the correct product revision.1.1 IntroductionThe PSU-PC19 is a 140 watt intelligent DC-DC power regulator designed to provide safe, reliablepower to the Xenarc SC8.Figure 1 CarNetix PSU-PC19The PSU-PC19 provides two outputs. The primary output is jumper selectable for 18V, 19V, or 20Voperation and can provide up to 6.32 amps (125 Watts @ 20V ). The secondary output is jumperselectable to provide either +12V to power your Xenarc LCD screen, or +5V to power USB devices(such as the Audigy 2NX sound USB sound card or USB powered hubs) with up to 3 amps (15- 4 -