Carmanah Technologies Corp. | 250 Bay St, Victoria, BC V9A 3K5, Canada | 1.250.380.0052 | | 15G SERIES USER MANUAL2.0 INTRODUCTIONInternal Calendar (standard on R829-G, optional on other systems)The R829-G is equipped with an internal calendar that is programmed via USB to automatically activate anddeactivate school zone flashers on a user-defined schedule of up to 512 days. The calendar is programmed usingan intuitive Microsoft Windows-based graphical user interface. Once the program is established for one system,the settings can be uploaded to other R829-G units onsite with a laptop PC. A USB cable is part of the calendarprogramming kit and is provided coiled up inside the R829-G cabinet.Eight different day schedule types can be defined (including OFF all day). Each day type can be configured for upto eight ON periods of adjustable duration. Refer to the support document “R829 School Zone CalendarConfiguration Instructions” for additional information and complete programming instructions.Ensure you obtain the latest copy of the calendar software (Version 1.2.0 as of November 2018).Older versions of the calendar software will not operate correctly with the newest version of trafficfirmware. Minimum Windows 7 operating system is required (32-bit or 64-bit). The software canbe obtained by contacting Carmanah Traffic Sales. The software is also included on a USBmemory stick in the calendar software programming kit, which also includes a 32-foot activeUSB extension harness which can be used to program a system’s calendar from a vehicle.See Section 5.1 for more information about related accessory calendar upload / overrideswitch kit.2.8 R247-G: 24-Hour Flashing BeaconOverviewThe R247-G Flashing Beacon flashes continuously 24 hours per day 7 days per week and is used for a widerange of warning applications such as stop lights and low bridges.The R247-G can be turned off when required using the optional Override Box kit, see Section 5.1.Details on circular beacons can be found in Section 2.8 and Section 4.2.As an alternative to circular beacons, R247-G systems can be configured with LED Enhanced Signs. Details onLED Enhanced Signs can be found in Section 2.9 and Section 4.3.Typical R247-G Configuration