26Table 2 — CVC/ICVC Display Data (cont)EXAMPLE 8 — CVC/ICVC_PSWD DISPLAY SCREENTo access this display from the CVC/ICVC default screen:1. Press .2. Press .3. Scroll down to highlight .or4. Press .NOTE: All variables with CAPITAL LETTER point names are available for CCN read operation. Those shown with (**) shall support write operationsfor the CVC/ICVC only.EXAMPLE 9 — SETPOINT DISPLAY SCREENTo access this display from the CVC/ICVC default screen:1. Press .2. Press .3. Press .NOTE: All variables are available for CCN read operation; forcing shall not be supported on setpoint screens.EXAMPLE 10 — CAPACITY DISPLAY SCREENTo access this display from the CVC/ICVC default screen:1. Press .2. Press .3. Scroll down to highlight .4. Press .5. Scroll down to highlight .6. Press .NOTE: All variables with CAPITAL LETTER point names are available for CCN read operation; forcing shall not be supported on maintenancescreen.DESCRIPTION STATUS UNITS POINTDisable Service Password 0-1 DSABLE/ENABLE PSWD_DIS**Remote Reset Option 0-1 DSABLE/ENABLE RESETOPTReset Alarm? 0-1 NO/YES REMRESETCCN Mode? 0-1 NO/YES REM_CCNDESCRIPTION STATUS UNITS POINT DEFAULTBase Demand Limit 40-100 % DLM 100Control PointECW Setpoint 15-120 DEG F ecw_sp 60.0LCW Setpoint 10-120 DEG F lcw_sp 50.0Ice Build Setpoint 15-60 DEG F ice_sp 40.0Tower Fan High Setpoint 55-105 DEG F tf2_sp 75DESCRIPTION STATUS UNITS POINTEntering Chilled Water –40-245 DEG F ECWLeaving Chilled Water –40-245 DEG F LCWCapacity ControlControl Point 10-120 DEG F ctrlptControl Point Error –99-99 ^F cperrECW Delta T –99-99 ^F ecwdtECW Reset –99-99 ^F ecwresLCW Reset –99-99 ^F lcwresTotal Error + Resets –99-99 ^F errorGuide Vane Delta –2-2 % gvdTarget Guide Vane Pos 0-100 % GV_TRGActual Guide Vane Pos 0-100 % GV_ACTTarget VFD Speed 0-100 % VFD_INActual VFD Speed 0-100 % VFD_ACTVFD Gain 0.1-1.5 vfd_gainDemand Limit Inhibit 0-100 % DEM_INHAmps/kW Ramp 0-100 % DMD_RAMPVFD Load Factor 0-200 VFD_LFMENUSTATUSCVC ICVCSELECTMENUSETPOINTSELECTMENUSERVICECONTROL ALGORITHM STATUSSELECTCAPACITYSELECT