37APPENDIX B — OPTIONAL BACNET COMMUNICATIONS WIRING (cont)Table G — Network Points ListPOINT DESCRIPTION CCNPOINT NAMEREAD/WRITE UNITS DEFAULTVALUE RANGE BACNETOBJECT IDBACNETOBJECT NAME1st Current Alarm State ALARM_01 R N/A 0-270 AV:4 alarm_01_1Active Demand Limit DEM_LIM R/W % N/A 40 to 100 AV:6 dem_lim_1Actual Guide Vane Position GV_POS R % N/A 0 to 100 AV:7 gv_pos_1Actual VFD Speed VFD_ACT R % N/A 0 to 110 AV:11 vfd_act_1Calc Evap Sat Temp EAT R °F N/A -40 to 245 AV:13 ert_1Chilled Water Deadband CWDB R ^F 1.0 0.5 to 2.0 AV:14 cwdb_1Chilled Water Delta P CHWPD R ^F N/A -6.7 to 420 AV:15 chwpd_1Chilled Water Delta T CHW_DT R ^F N/A -40 to 245 AV:16 chw_dt_1Chilled Water Pump CHLP R N/A OFF OFF/ON BV:4 chlp_1Chilled Water Temp CHW_TMP R °F N/A -40 to 245 AV:17 chw_tmp_1Chiller Start/Stop CHIL_S_S R/W N/A STOP STOP/START BV:5 chil_s_s_1Comp Discharge Temp CMPD R °F N/A -40 to 245 AV:18 cmpd_1Comp Motor Winding Temp MTRW R °F N/A -40 to 245 AV:19 mtrw_1Comp Thrust Brg Temp MTRB R °F N/A -40 to 245 AV:20 mtrb_1Cond Water Flow CDW_FLOW R N/A NO NO/YES BV:6 cdw_flow_1Cond Water Pump CDP R N/A OFF OFF/ON BV:7 cdp_1Condenser Pressure CRP R PSI N/A -6.7 to 420 AV:21 crp_1Condenser Refrig Temp CRT R °F N/A -40 to 245 AV:22 crt_1Condenser Water Delta P CDWPD R PSI N/A -6.7 to 420 AV:23 cdwpd_1Control Point LCW_STPT R/W °F N/A 10 to 120 AV:24 lcw_stpt_1Current CHW Setpoint CHWSTPT R °F N/A 0.00 to 99.9 AV:25 chwstpt_1Demand Level 1 N/A R % N/A 0 to 100 AV:1 dmv_lvl_1_perct_1Demand Level 2 N/A R % N/A 0 to 100 AV:2 dmv_lvl_2_perct_1Demand Level 3 N/A R % N/A 0 to 100 AV:3 dmv_lvl_3_perct_1Element Comm Status N/A R N/A N/A No Comm/Normal BV:2999 element_stat_1Element CommunicationsAlarm N/A R N/A N/A Inactive/Active BV:20 comm_lost_alm_1Emergency Stop EMSTOP R N/A ENABLE ENABLE/EMSTOP BV:8 emstop_1Entering Chilled Water ECW R °F N/A -40 to 245 AV:26 ecw_1Entering Condenser Water ECDW R °F N/A -40 to 245 AV:27 ecdw_1Equipment Alarm N/A R N/A N/A Comm NormalComm Lost BV:1 element_alarm_1Evaporator Pressure ERP R PSI N/A -6.7 to 420 AV:28 erp_1Evaporator Refrigerant Temp ERT R °F N/A -40 to 245 AV:13 ert_1Leaving Chilled Water -Prime Variable LCW R °F N/A -40 to 245 AV:31 lcw_1Leaving Condenser Water LCDW R °F N/A -40 to 245 AV:32 lcdw_1Line Active Current AMPS_ACT R A N/A 0.0 to 99999.0 AV:8 amps_act_1Line Active Voltage VOLT_ACT R V N/A 0.0 to 99999.0 AV:9 volt_act_1Line Frequency LINEFREQ R Hz N/A 0 to 99 AV:30 linefreq_1Line Power Factor LINE_PF R N/A 0.00 to 2.00 AV:34 line_pf_1Local Schedule N/A R N/A N/A No Comm/Normal BV:2 schedule_1Occupied? OCC R N/A NO NO/YES BV:10 occ_1Oil Sump Temperature OILT R °F N/A -40 to 245 AV:33 oilt_1Remote Start Contact REM_CON R/W N/A OPEN OPEN/CLOSE BV:11 rem_con_1Run Status STATUS R N/A N/A0=Timeout,1=Ready,2=Recyle,3=Startup,4=Running,5=Demand,6=Ramping,7=Autorest,8=Override,9=Tripout,10=Control Test,11=Lockout,12=Pumpdown,13=PrestartAV:35 status_1Service Ontime S_HRS R/W hr N/A 0 to 32767 AV:36 s_hrs_1Surge Line Delta T DELTA_TX R °F N/A 0 to 200 AV:38 delta_tx_1System Alert/Alarm SYS_ALM R N/A N/A 1=Normal,2=Alert, 3=Alarm AV:40 sys_alm_1611