Appendix C: 30MP Multi-chiller Points/Properties30MP Multi-chiller CARRIER CORPORATION ©2018Installation and Start-up Guide All rights reserved33Point Name/Description RangeShutdown – When Active, provides a means to stop the chiller plant in an orderlymanner. All alarms are reset and only currently active alarms are displayed.D:R:InactiveInactive/ActiveUnit ConfigurationNavigation: i-Vu® / Field Assistant: Properties > Control Program > Configuration > Unit ConfigurationPoint Name/Description RangeCool Enable – Enables or disables cooling operation. D:R:EnableDisable/EnableCooling Lockout Temperature – Cooling is inhibited below this outdoor air temperature. D:R:45°F-65 to 80°FCooling Setpoint OA Reset – Enables OA reset of the cooling water supply temp'ssetpoint.D:R:DisableDisable/EnableOAT CHW Supply Reset Low Limit – The lowest outdoor air temperature which resets thecooling water supply temp.D:R:70°F__°FOAT CHW Supply Reset High Limit – The highest outdoor air temperature which resetsthe cooling water supply temp. Must be set above the configured OAT CHW Supply ResetLow Limit.D:R:90°F__°FMaximum OA CHW Reset – The highest cooling water supply temp setpoint resetallowed by the OAT.D:R:10°F0 to 25°FRH Cooling Setpoint Reset – Enables or disables reset of the cooling water supplytemp's setpoint, based on relative humidity.D:R:DisableDisable/EnableOccupancy Schedules – Enables or disables the occupancy schedule function. D:R:DisableDisable/EnablePower Failure RecoveryPower Fail Restart Delay – On initial power up or after recovery from a power failure, thecontroller delays starting any equipment for the configured value of this delay in seconds.(Max delay time is 600 sec.)D:R:120 seconds0 to 600 secondsImmediate Restart Time – For a power failure less than this value (in minutes), thecontrol restarts all previous running chiller stages at 30 second intervals. (Max restartdelay time is 720 min.)D:R:20 minutes0 to 720 minutes