START-UPPreliminary ChecksI Check Ihal all mlmmd _iriEIg onn_' tk/ns aw lighl andIhat all harriers, covers, and panels are iEIplace2 Fi{'[d{'[{2chi{a[]](>_\{q()tlJ_'mils[agFec_\i[htll]i[flameplal_*HliEIg3 All selvice valves musl be open4 BHI) band mnkcasuhealeimustbutighlon ompwssor(rankt ase lor those units wilh belly trend h_'alclsLeak Test -- IHd piping and l:m coil musl Iw k'ak msk'dby pwsstn_ mefll(×l. Use R 410A at appioximaIHy 25 psigba(ked up _\i[b aEI ihel[ gas [O a k>la[ pW',SUIe i]()[ [O cxc_d245 psig[._*ak delecl_)is should I*" designed {o delecl HI:(• (hydroIluorocad)on) mhigemntEvacuate and Dehydrate -- Field piping and lan coilmus{ be evacuated and debydraedCharge System -- Release charge into syslem by oF.'ning (backseating) liquid and suction line seivice valves R_o sepam{e indoor unit installmion insfruclions lot Ihe requiredtolal system chaEge when con necl{'d Io 25 fl of tubing.TO Start Unit--Be tire Ihat the field dis_onnecl isclosed Se{ room d_e.nosmt Mow imbienl Imnpcralure ()perale unil loi 15 mhlules. Iben check syslem rel?igemnl chargeSee R<'hig<'mn[ (barging secIion on page 12NOTE: When using in conjunclion wilh 40QA oi 40QK hmcoils, rder to stair up iEIslruclion_ iEIcltld_*d with Im coil I_rcolfvcl glail lip ploc_**]tll_2sSERVICEOutdoor Fan -- _, leinl]liced _qle mounl holds Ihe ouldoor i_lll assel_lbly ill IX>SiliOll _ee Fig _ l()r plopel ¸ i_lt)thllillgposili(>ll[ II I [" ............ ,_ FANBLADEOUTSIDE EDGE OF OUTSI_ EDGE DIMENSION FROMFAN DECK OF GRILL[ O UTSIDE TOP ED:_E OFBLADETOOUTSIDEEDGEOF FAN DECK SEE TABLEBELOW38HDF UNIT SIZE, in.018-030 I 0360.433 038HDR UNIT SIZE, in.018,024 I 030,036 048,0600.433 I 0 0Fig. 8 -- Condenser-Fan Mounting PositionsHigh-Pressure Relief Valve -- The high piessure relief valve is Iocaled in the compl_ssor The relief valve opens ala pressul_ dii]i_rential of appix>ximalely 550 to 625 + 50 psidbelween suc[ion (low side) and dischar_ (high _ide) I_>allowpressure eq tl_llizali()llInternal Current and Temperature SensitiveOverload--The _onm,I _esels automatically wh(m(overhmds may require up fo 45 minlll_'s Io res(q) V;'hen aEIinleimd o\ _'d(×td is suspecled of buing opun. check h} using ;tElPumpdown Procedure -- "rh_,sysl_'mmaybepumlwddOWl] il1 (>ld{'l [o make rq) lirs Ol] Ibe low ski{* _,\ilhotll IOgillg{ompb't_* wl?igcranf dmrgcWhell system illtls[ be openetl ior selvice, recover .'fiig<'rant, hwak vacuum wilb di} nilix/gen belolv opening systemI AIlach pit'ss uie ga<_t:Io uclion service valve gage pol I2 Fionlseal Ihe liquid/mixed phase line valveThe 38HD( unit coils hold only Ihe lactoiy designaledal_lotln[ ol ¸ re_igeia_lf Addifi()ll_ll re_i_Kln[ may causeullJfs It) l_lieve presstlre fhl_)tlgb [be compressol ¸ ill[erl]alpresstn_ relief valve (indical_l by a sudden rise of sucfionpresstl_) bel_le suclion pl_sstlre _aches 5 psig If fhisoccurs, shtll off tlnil imllledialely I]]ell iroEl[seaf fhe stlcfi(>llvalve aEId l_move and i coover excess rei)J_rall[ I_llowillaccepfed practices¸ I_uipEnenf damage may restlll) Slarl UlJfalYl rllll tlll[il StlCllOll plt'SStlW rt>aches 20 psig4 _htll ul]il o_and _oiw,eaf stlcli()ll valve¸5 IiX,picssurize low side of unil and wcover rel?igeranlIollowing acceptt'd practicesHigh-Pressure Switch i ]]_e high piessnlv swifdl.Ioca_t'd on discharge line, prolecls agalnsl high dischargeplk:gStllCS callstYti by such evellls as ovu_dlarge. COlldellSt:rdallmohu hfilure, syslem lcstriction, elc II oi,'cns (m picssure rise a[aboul 650 + I0 psig If syslem pressures go above Ibis seltingdtlrillg abllOrlllal colldi[iOllS, file swilch opt:ll SI)0 NOT auempl Io simulale Ihese syslem IbEIolm dilieshigh pressures pose a seli(>tls sal}21y hazard¸"l]_ehigh piessure swilch is checked wilb an ohmmelei; II_yslem pressure is _low 625 psig _wilch shows conlinuifyCrankcaseHeateriThe crankcase healer pl_veEIfSi_i_ranl migralion and compressor oil dilution dtlringshtlkiOWll Whel] COll]pressol ¸ is ilo[ opelafill_. If Ihe cl'ailkc_lsehealer is deenergi!ed [or more fhall 6 hOtllS, bolh COll]pl_2Ssorservict2 valves ii]tlSl I_ closed¸N(_'E: Crankcase heaters are only available on 38HDR0300_) unifsThe crankcase healer is powered by Ihe high volfa_ power(if Ihe tlllil. If is COll_lecled across Ihe lille side of Ibe COllfaclorand is Ihermoslmically conholl_i