Step 4 -- Make Electrical ConnectionslJfli[ _ ibil_o[ mull have' _lfl Unil_ldrftlp[_*_l, ul_brokdll ele_hical g]ound It>minimi!e Ille possibilily ol pelsonal injmy ilan elec(rical lhtdl shouki occm This glound may consisl ofelecIrical wire comlected to tlili[ gJound Iqg in control Coll_partmenL oJ cofldlli[ appJoved Iur eleclJical grotllld whellhlslalled in accordance with NEC, and I(_al electricalcodes Failu;v to lollow this warning couki resull in Ihehlslaller behlg liable Ik_ltile pel SoElalinJuly ol odlersB_JDI_ _r_lrl2qil_g service or mailll_[lallce, bg stirs? illd(×)runit mare powel swilch is mnlrd OFF and md/×)r blowerhas slopl_'d Pailure Io do so may _'sull m elechical shockor iEliury hum rolalJ ng hm bladesCONTIEOL CIRCUIT WIRIN( COEllml volta_a" is 24 V(40 va minhnumi See Fig 5 and unit label diagram _>r l_eldsuppbed wiring delails Rou_e conh_)l wire _hrough opening intlllil side pallel IO coIIIl_clioI1 ill Ullil COIlllOI IN)XNO'I]: For wiJe runs up Io 50 ft. use no 18 %VG (AmericanWi_ Gage) instdaled wire¸ I_r 50 to 75 I/. use no 16 AWGinstdaled wire¸ I_r over 75 ft. use 14 AWG insulaled wire¸NOTE: All wiring mus_ condom to NEC and k,cal c<_esN()TE: Operating unil on improper line volla_ consliltltesabuse and could affecl Carder warmnly See I_bles 2 and _Do n_ install unil in a system where volta_ may flucltlal_al_>ve or below permissible limits¸_? _[_lbles 2 alld 3 _)r recoml_qelld_xi ftlse ';i/us Whell ill_lkiil_ eleclrical COiln_2CtiOilS, provide cleara_lce al 1lie [lllit I_)r reI)i_ranl piping connectionsN(_'E: The 38HDF units are suppbed wilh a 24 v controlIi_llls_l_qer The _HI)R tllli_ _se Ihe c<)llll_)l [lallsl_lrmersuppbed with _he mal_h_l indo_ unilPOWER WIRING [ hlit is _c_>ry wired ff_r voltage shownoll ii_ll_q_2plale Prt)vide adequate, I_lst_(l disc()llllecl swilchwithin sight _om unit. readily accessible, bul out of reach ol:children¸ Provision _J locking the swilch open (offl is advisable to prevent power _om being _unled on while unil is beingservic_l Disconnect swilch, fil_s, and field wiring EnuslC<_lply wilh Ihe NI_ and local c<_le requirements¸ Use c<>pl_:_rwire ollly I_tw_?_l the discollll_?cl swilch tiled tlllil UseIlliilil_q [Iill (_0 C wire _r the _eld _ )'¢,er COilil_CliOllRoule _>wer wires through _he opening in unil side l×lnclalld collllec_ ill the tlllil colltrol box as ',howII oil the2 t111itI_ll%'_ldiagram and Fig 6 and 7 Unit mus_ be gl_)undedCI)NNE(_I'IONS TO DUCTFRI_ FAN COIL UNITSThe 38HDR units are designed _ easy match up to 40QAducl _ee _ln coils¸ This unit provides 24 v power ff_r the outdoor [lllil _om the _l_l coil¸ Collnec[ Ih_ Y aild C I_r_nillal,, ol ¸Ihe hldoor ullit I_! 1he Y a_d C lelmhlals38HDF UNITS 38HDR UNITSCO_4HON{C)24V_C (R} R_B _SbPPLYF_LO _OP_'LIEO_ '_TAT Wlrl__00_ UNZTLOW VOLTAGE C0NNECT10NSNOTE: For more information see schematic inside uNt.£[_LO _PPL lEOINDO_ UNITLOW VOLTAGE CONNECTIONSFig. 5 -- Typical Control Circuit Connections