Step 2 -- Rig and Mount UnitMOUNTING ON GI_.OUND M_unl und on a solkL level(OTI_Wk" ptd Posilioll ufld so \_ll_l oI i(e I_oln 1(iol do_s ilo_ldl dire_ll_ ohio unil Access_r_ shaking kils cm be used_hell Llnds fie hi _X_ skKke(J _ee il]slai[ali(lll illshtl_[ioI1spm_Med _ilh Ihe a cessoJ_ kd Use fieM pm_ided sno_ sltndol KU IKk _ [l_re plo[ongud subhuezillg le ml_'l ilules ol [1_*I\ _Silo _\ O_( UISIt ollddiolls or k_.aJ codes reqtlh e Lllli( bu hs R'l_ed k) a ptd,6 fiekl supplied liedo_\n I×)ll_ shouM I'_= used and Hsl_'nrdHlrough slol_ pro\ kk'd in uni_ mounli ng kx'lMOUNTING ON ROOI Mounl uni[ /)n a level plall_)HnOI lllm_ _ tl lels[ 6 ill abo_e Iool suH I_e IsolaR* tIl_i[ ;uld lubhlg horn ShU lureRIGGINGKeep Ihe unit updghl and lift unil using a sling Use cardboard or p_lding tinder file sling, and sp_ader bars k) pl_venlsling damage to the unit¸ See Fig 3 See Fig 2 _r cenler of_avity re_nce Install the unit so thai Ihe _il does nol _ceink> pJ_vailing winds¸ Il¸Ibis is nol _>s_ible and constant wieldsa_>ve 25 mph are ex_cl_l, use accessory wield baffle¸ Seeinslallalion instructions p_)vid_d with the accessory ki_NOTE: Accesso_ wind baffles should be us_l on all unitswith access(_y low ambiel_t I_ll_pera[ul_2 coil ffolField _lbrica[ed sllow or ice slailds may be used to raise [lld[when operation will be _quired during winler monlhs Unitsii_w also Ix'_wall motll_i_xl tlShlg Ihe acc_ssoly wall IllOUll[hlgki_When mo_e Ihan 50 1} of flltercomlecthlg [ubing alld molvIhan 30 fi (If verlical lift is used. consult Ihe residenli fl long lineapplicalhm inslmctkm gukie. Fo_ long Ihle _pplications. inlerconnecting lines ove_ l(X) I_ must be installed wilh a liquid linesolenoid A liquid line olenoid may a13o _v installed on someunils to improve parl I(×ld eHlciency Reier to Ihe ARI (AirConditioning & Rehigeralion Insldule) DirectoryII eilhe_ _cl_ig_ranl tubing o_ indoo_ coil is exposed IoIhe almosphem, the syslem mtlsl be evactHled lollowing go(_i_efligcralion p_acficesRun rehigemnl tulx's as direclly as possible, avoidingunnecessary lu_ns and bends. Suspend _ehigcmnl lubes so theydo IIOI (hlmage illsula{ioll OI1 vapor [tll%" alld do IIOI[r_lllSl_li[vibralion to strucltm" Also, when passing reMgerant tnlx:sthmu_ a wall. seal Ihe opening so Ihal vibratkm is nol ImnsmiFled to sffuctmv Ix'ave some slack in _vhi_erant tubes belweensff[ic[lll_, alld ollld<×/i tlfli{ Io absorb vibratioll I_eler to separaleind_ und inslallation instm_ {ions h_ additional inlbnnationCHECK ACCURATERCONTROI, The correct AccuRaler (byl_ass lylx') rehigeranl conhol is required h_r syslemcapaclly oplimization An AccuRaler device wilh field_eplaceable pislon (see Elg 4) ix supplied wdh tile ouMoo_ undReler k/ tile AccuRaler metering device table in sepmaleindoor unil inslallation illsllucliOllS It) delermine fl_e cormclAccuRaler pislon SiZe requhvd Ibr [l_e condenser/evaix)ratorsyslem being installedPisk)n slyle as shown in Elg 4 ix shipped wilh Ihe unfl Dono[ ill[el_ha_lge coll_lN)llell[s beIwee_l the AcctlRaler devicetypes Matching of ould unil with indoor und may requhvhekl rephcemenl of pislon I).epl _ce pislun, if required, _vl/>_v_x/nnecfing _eldgemnl lines See Hg 4 Pislon _vplacemenlillSIltlC[kH1S are hlcluded ill the indoo_ lind iilsl{dia[ioll ills{liltlions A[ler syslem inslallation is complele, see Ihe RehigeranlChaffing section on page 12 to dleck and/or adlust _vffigelanlcha_ [x"FIUFER I)RIER The ldle_ drier mtlsI be _eplaced whenever Ihe _<'higeralion system is exposed to Ihe atmosphere SeeFig 4 lot filler drier inslallalion;OMPRESSORCAP W_Ttl ORiFIGE gODyNOTE: Arrow on AccuR_ter body points in free flow direction _w_y from thoindoor coil¸Fig. 3 -- Lifting Unit with SlingStep 3 -- Complete Refrigerant Piping Con-nections- Ou_d<×_unils ma_ b_, .)nnecled Io indoorunds using fieki supplk'd [ubing ol _efiigeranl g_lde and ondiIk>n Sr_' "hbles IA and 1B tbr conec{ line sizes I)o nol useless Ihan 10 I_ol ink'_ onneding lubing(By OTHERS}COBLINB38HDFO18-036_BY O_HE_I)O NOT I3IIRY MORE THAN 36 IN OI REFRI( ERAN[[" PIPE IN THE GROUND Il¸ any see{ion of pipe i_buried. _l_ere mus_ be a 6 in vertical rise _(> the valvecollnec[iol_s o1_ the oukl(x)l ¸ uidL II ¸ 13lore thall [herecommend_l lengfl_ ix buded reffi_ant may migrate tocooler, bud_l section durhlg exlend_l _d(_s of syslemshuMown This causes refii_ranl slugghlg and couldpossibly dama_ Ihe comp_ssor al starl up_B¥ aTHEgm38HDR018-060Fig. 4 -- AccuRater (Bypass Type) MeteringDevice Components