INDOOR UNIT INSTALLATIONStep eight: bind up pipe1. Bind up the connection pipe, powercord and drain hose with the band.indoor unit gaspipeindoor andoutdoor power cordliquid pipedrain hoseband2. Reserve a certain length of drainhose and power cord for installationwhen binding them. When binding toa certain degree, separate the indoorpower and then separate the drainhose.3. Bind them evenly.4. The liquid pipe and gas pipe shouldbe bound separately at the end.1RWHƔ7KHSRZHUFRUGDQGFRQWUROZLUHFDQ WEHFURVVHGRUZLQGLQJƔ7KHGUDLQKRVHVKRXOGEHERXQGat the bottom.drain hose bandconnection pipeindoor power cordStep nine: hang the indoor unit1. Put the bound pipes in the wall pipe and then make them pass through the wallhole.2. Hang the indoor unit on the wall-mounting frame.3. Stuff the gap between pipes and wall hole with sealing gum.4. Fix the wall pipe.upper hooklower hook of5.Check if the indoor unit is installed firmly and closed to the wall.wall-mounting frame1RWHƔ'RQRWEHQGWKHGUDLQKRVHWRRH[FHVVLYHO\LQRUGHUWRSUHYHQWEORFNLQJindoor outdoorwall pipe sealing gum-30-