Step six: neaten the pipes1. The pipes should be placed along the wall,bent reasonably and hidden possibly. Min.semidiameter of bending the pipe is 10cm.2. If the outdoor unit is higher than the wallhole, you must set a U-shaped curve in thepipe before pipe goes into the room, inorder to prevent rain from getting into theroom.Ɣ7KHWKURXJKZDOKHLJKWRIGUDLQKRVHVKRXOGQ WEHKLJKHUWKDQWKHRXWOHWpipe hole of indoor unit.Ɣ6ODQWWKHGUDLQKRVHVOLJKWO\GRZQZDUGV7KHGUDLQKRVHFDQ WEHFXUYHGUDLVHGDQGÀXFWXDQWHWFƔ7KHZDWHURXWOHWFDQ WEHSODFHGin water in order to drain smoothly.U-shaped curvewalldrain hosethe drain hosecan't raiseupwards.The drain hose can't be fluctuantThe drain hosecan't be fluctuant The wateroutlet can't befluctuantThe water outletcan't be placedin waterNote:2. Fix the power connection wire and signal control wire with wire clip (only forcooling and heating unit).1RWHƔ$IWHUtighteningWKHVFUHZSXOOWKHSRZHUFRUGVOLJKWO\WRFKHFNLILWLV¿UPƔ1HYHUFXWWKHSRZHUFRQQHFWLRQZLUHWRSURORQJRUVKRUWHQWKHGLVWDQFHOUTDOOR UNIT INSTALLATION FOR SINGLE ZONE APLICATIONS(REFER TO THE 38GJ OWNER'S MANUAL FOR MULTIZONE)-33-