31The LLR is designed to trip if any 1-ft section of the capital-ly tube senses cold air below the LLR set point. The tempera-ture must exceed 33 F for the LLR to automatically reset torestore normal operations.SPACE TEMPERATURE SENSOR (Factory-InstalledOption) — The space temperature sensor is used to measurethe building interior temperature. See Fig. 16.The sensor is shipped with the unit, factory-wiredand factory-mounted in the control swing panel inside the lefthand compartment.If remote temperature sensing is required, then the sensormay be removed and mounted on an internal wall wheretemperature sensed is representative of the entire zone to beserviced by the unit. The sensor wall plate accommodates theNational Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA)standard 2 x 4 junction box. The sensor can be mounted direct-ly on the wall surface if acceptable by local codes.Do not mount the sensor in drafty locations (such as nearair-conditioning or heating ducts), over heat sources (such asbaseboard heaters or radiators), or directly above wall-mountedlighting dimmers. Do not mount the sensor near a windowwhich may be opened, near a wall corner, or near a door.Sensors mounted in these areas will have inaccurate and erraticsensor readings.The sensor should be mounted approximately 5 ft from thefloor, in an area representing the average temperature in thespace. Allow at least 4 ft between the sensor and any cornerand mount the sensor at least 2 ft from an open doorway.Install the sensor as follows (see Fig. 17):1. Locate the two Allen head screws at the bottom of thesensor.2. Turn the two screws clockwise to release the cover fromthe sensor wall mounting plate.3. Lift the cover from the bottom and then release it fromthe top fasteners.4. Feed the wires from the electrical box through the open-ing in the center of the sensor mounting plate.5. Using two no. 6-32 x 1 mounting screws (provided withthe sensor), secure the sensor to the electrical box.6. Use a three-conductor 20 gage shielded cable. The wire issuitable for distances of up to 500 ft. The standard CCN(Carrier Comfort Network®) communication cable maybe used. If the set point adjustment (slide-bar) is not re-quired, then an unshielded, 18 or 20 gage, two-conductor,twisted pair cable may be used.The CCN network service jack requires a separate,shielded three-conductor CCN communication cable.Always use separate cables for CCN communica-tion and sensor wiring. (Refer to Fig. 18 for wiredesignations.)7. Replace the cover by inserting the cover at the top of themounting plate first, then swing the cover down over thelower portion. Rotate the two Allen head screws counter-clockwise until the cover is secured to the mounting plateand locked in position.For more sensor information see Table 12 for thermistorresistance vs temperature values.NOTE: Clean sensor with damp cloth only. Do not usesolvents.WarmCoolFig. 16 — Space Temperature Sensor(P/N HH51BX005)NOTE: Dimensions are in inches.Fig. 17 — Space Temperature Sensor andWall-Mounted Humidity Sensor Mounting