48Table 25 — Alarm Service Configuration*0 = Disable1 = Enable.†255 disables realarming.NOTE: Alarm retry time (in the event an alarm is not acknowledged)is fixed at 5 minutes.Table 26 — Status Display*The text used for Mode shall be one of the following:Off, Occ Cool, Occ Heat, Fan Only, UnocCool, UnocHeat, Warm-Up, Free Cool.†The text used for Fan Status shall be one of the following:Off, Low, Medium, High.**0 = Off, High, or Clean 1 = On, Low, or Dirty.NOTE: The presence of override limits indicates that the point is forcible, all others are readonly.DESCRIPTION POINT NAME STATUS / UNITS RANGE DEFAULTAlarm Routing Control ALRMCNT xxxxxxxx 0 - 1* 11010000Realarm Time REALARM xxx min 1-255† 255Cntrl Temp Hys xx.x ^FSupply Air Temperature SPTHYS 1.0 - 20.0 5.0Lo Lim LOWLIM xxx.x °F –40.0 - 245.0 45.0Hi Lim HIGHLIM xxx.x °F –40.0 - 245.0 150.0Mixed Air TemperatureLo Lim LOWLIM xxx.x °F –40.0 - 245.0 40.0Hi Lim HIGHLIM xxx.x °F –40.0 - 245.0 120.0Relative HumidityLo Lim LOWLIM xxx.x %RH 0.0 - 100.0 30.0Hi Lim HIGHLIM xxx.x %RH 0.0 - 100.0 70.0Outdoor Air CFMLo Lim LOWLIM xxxx.x CFM 0.0 - 5000.0 0.0Hi Lim HIGHLIM xxxx.x CFM 5000 - 5000 800.0Air QualityLo Lim LOWLIM xxxx.x 0.0 - 5000.0 0.0Hi Lim HIGHLIM xxxx.x 0.0 - 5000.0 800.0Outdoor Air TemperatureLo Lim LOWLIM xxx.x °F –40.0 - 245.0 40.0Hi Lim HIGHLIM xxx.x °F –40.0 - 245.0 140.0DESCRIPTION POINT NAME STATUS / UNITS OVERRIDELIMITSDesired Mode MODE xxxxxx ASCII*Equipment Status ALARM Norm/AlarmControlling Temperature SPT xxx.x °F –40.0 - 245.0Space Temperature RAT xxx.x °F –40.0 - 245.0Supply Air Temperature SAT xxx.x °F –40.0 - 245.0Mixed Air Temperature MAT xxx.x °F –40.0 - 245.0Outdoor-Air Temperature OATEMP xxx.x °F –40.0 - 245.0Fan Relay SF Off/On 0 - 1**Fan Status FANSTAT xxxxxx ASCII†Remote Start REMOTE Off/On 0 - 1**Outdoor Air Enthalpy ENT High/Low 0 - 1**Cooling Capacity CCAP xxx.x %Heating Capacity HCAP xxx.x %Outdoor Air cfm OACFM xxxx.x CFM 0.0 - 5000.0MAD Capacity 0.0 - 100.0 MIXDCAP xxx.x % 0.0 - 100.0Filter Status FLTSTAT Clean/Dirty 0 - 1**Air Quality (PPM) AQ xxxx.x 0.0 - 5000.0Relative Humidity RH xxx.x %RH 0.0 - 100.0Fire Shutdown Norm/AlarmFS Fire shutdownCoil Freeze Detection CFD Norm/Alarm 0 - 1**Changeover Switch Input CHANGOVR Heat/Cool 0 - 1**Spare Discrete Input DI0 Off/On 0 - 1**Spare Analog Input AI0 xx.x Volts 0.0 - 10.0Mixed Air Damper 1 MIXD1 Off/On 0 - 1**Mixed Air Damper 2 MIXD2 Off/On 0 - 1**Cooling 1 CCV1 Off/On 0 - 1**Cooling 2 CCV2 Off/On 0 - 1**Heating 1 HCV1 Off/On 0 - 1**Heating 2 HCV2 Off/On 0 - 1**Heating Enable Output HEATING Off/On 0 - 1**Cooling Enable Output COOLING Off/On 0 - 1**