63Sleeve Bearing Replacement (40UV050-125,40UH075-125 and 40UH200 Units Only)(Fig. 44) — Refer to Fig. 40 for 40UH200 units only,Fig. 41 for 40UV050-150 and 40UH075-125 units with PSCmotors, Fig. 42 for 40UV050-125 and 40UH075-150 unitswith ECM motors.To replace ball bearing:1. Turn off all power to unit.2. Use 5/32 in. hex (Allen) tool or 3/8 in. nut driver to removefront (40UV) or bottom (40UH) panels and right (motorend) end panel.3. Remove 1/4 in. head screws (Item 5 in Fig. 37) alonglength of unit that secure coil baffle to blower section andremove front coil baffle.4. Remove left blower section end (Item 2 in Fig. 44) insu-lation (Item 1 in Fig. 44).5. Use 7/16 in. socket to remove hex nuts (Fig. 40, Item 13;Fig. 41, Item 8; Fig. 42, Item 9) securing end bearingbracket (Fig. 40, Item 12; Fig. 41, Item 7; Fig. 42, Item 8)to blower section end.6. Remove bearing bracket assembly (Fig. 40, Items 12, 14,13, 11; Fig. 41, Items 7, 10, 9, 11; Fig. 42, Items 8, 11, 10,12) from blower section end. Use care to slide assemblyoff of shaft end. Hold shaft from inside blower sectionto prevent wheel damage.7. Use 1/2 in. socket and 1/2 in. combination wrench toremove hex nuts (Fig. 40, Item 13; Fig. 41, Item 9;Fig. 42, Item 10) and bolts (Fig. 40, Item 11; Fig. 41, Item11; Fig. 42, Item 12) holding bearing (Fig. 40, Item 14;Fig. 41, Item 10; Fig. 42, Item 11) and bearing bracket(Fig. 40, Item 12; Fig. 41, Item 7; Fig. 42, Item 8)together.8. Replace bearing (Fig. 40, Item 14; Fig. 41, Item 10;Fig. 42, Item 11). Attach to bearing bracket using hexnuts and bolts. Align oil cup port with matching cutout inbearing bracket.9. Use 7/16 in. socket to slide replacement bearing (Fig. 40,Item 14; Fig. 41, Item 10; Fig. 42, Item 11) on to the endof shaft and install bearing bracket assembly (Fig. 40,Items 12, 14, 13, 11; Fig. 41, Items 7, 10, 9, 11; Fig. 42,Items 8, 11, 10, 12) in blower section end. Attach usinghex nuts.10. Add 5 to 10 drops of SAE 20 or 30 non-detergent basedoil to bearing.11. Rotate the fan shaft by hand to ensure that fans areunrestricted and can rotate freely. Check for any fanobstructions.12. Reinstall left blower section end insulation (Item 1 inFig. 44).13. Reinstall 1/4 in. head screws (Item 5 in Fig. 37) alonglength of unit securing coil baffle to the blower section.14. Reinstall front (40UV) or bottom (40UH) panels. Rein-stall end panels. Ensure that tag on each right frontpanel (40UV) or middle bottom panel (40UH) match-es unit tag.15. Restore power to unit.Lock out and tag all power supplies to equipment and con-trols prior to servicing unit. Follow all safety codes. Failureto do so could result in personal injury.The assembly order of the bearing installation is critical. Becareful with all components during removal and installa-tion. Any excessive force applied to these components cancause unintended damage and void unit warranty.IMPORTANT: Tag each right front panel (40UV) ormiddle bottom panel (40UH) for each unit. Panels haveelectrical information specific to each unit.Ensure sleeve bearing is installed with oil cup facingupwards as shown in left side view.