20Fig. 29 — ACS320 VFD WiringFig. 30 — ACH550/580 VFD WiringCentral Terminal Board Jumpers (48/50 Series Only)The Central Terminal Board (CTB) is a large printed circuit boardthat is located in the unit control box. This printed circuit boardcontains multiple termination strips and connectors to simplifyfactory control box wiring and field control connections. Termi-nals are clearly marked on the board surface. See Fig. 31.The CTB contains no software and no logic. But it does includeseven configuration jumpers that are cut to configure the board toread external optional and accessory controls, including that theunit is a heat pump. Table 14 lists the control functions of thejumpers.Jumpers JMP5, JMP6 and JMP7 are located in notches across thetop of the CTB (see Fig. 31). These jumpers are intact on unitswith gas heat or electric heat. These jumpers are factory cut on allheat pump units and on units with Humidi-MiZer® (reheat) systemoption.Factory-installed boards will have these jumpers factory-cutwhere required. Service replacement boards have these jumpersintact; servicer must cut these jumpers as indicated in Table 15when installing a replacement board.Fig. 31 — Central Terminal Board (CTB)Table 12 — ACS320 VFD Terminal DesignationsTERMINAL FUNCTIONU1V1W1Three-Phase main circuit input power supplyU2V2W2Three-Phase AC output to motor, 0V to maximuminput voltage level10 (GND)11 (COMMON) Factory-supplied jumper9 (24 VDC)12 (DI-1) Run (factory-supplied jumper)9 (24 VDC)15 (DI-4)Start Enable 1 (factory-supplied jumper). Whenopened, the drive goes to emergency stop13 (DI-2)14 (DI-3)Factory wired for 24 Vdc input from Fan SpeedBoardTable 13 — ACH550/580 VFD Terminal DesignationsTERMINAL FUNCTIONU1/L1V1/L2W1/L3Three-Phase main circuit input power supplyU2 / T1/UV2 / T2/VW2 / T3/WThree-Phase AC output to motor, 0V to maximuminput voltage level11 (GND)12 (COMMON) Factory-supplied jumper10 (24 VDC)13 (DI-1) Run (factory-supplied jumper)10 (24 VDC)16 (DI-4)Start Enable 1 (factory-supplied jumper). Whenopened, the drive goes to emergency stop14 (DI-2)15 (DI-3)Factory wired for 24 Vdc input from Fan SpeedBoardACS320 VFD TERMINAL STRIPGNDDCOM 1+24 VDI-1DI-2DI-3DI-49 10 11 12 13 14 15PNK YEL WHTACH550/580ACH VFD TERMINAL STRIPGNDDCOM 1+24 VDI-1DI-2DI-3DI-410 11 12 13 14 15 16PNK YEL WHTTable 14 — CTB JumpersJUMPER CONTROL FUNCTION NOTEJMP1 Phase MonitorJMP2 Occupancy ControlJMP3 Smoke DetectorShutdownJMP4 Remote ShutdownJMP5 Heat Pump/Reheat 50HCQ, TCQ default: CutJMP6 Heat Pump/Reheat 50HCQ, TCQ default: CutJMP7 Heat Pump/Reheat 50HCQ, TCQ default: CutTable 15 — Jumper ConfigurationUNIT TYPE / MODELConfigurationJumperGas Heat48HC, TC aNOTE(S):a. Unit without Humidi-MiZer (reheat) option.Electric Heat50 HC, TCaHeat Pump50HCQ, TCQJMP5 Intact Intact CutJMP6 Intact Intact CutJMP7 Intact Intact Cut