63VFD REMOTE KEYPADNOTE: The following only applies when a unit with the factory-installed SAV™ option is equipped with the field-installedRemote VFD Keypad (Part Number: CRDISKKIT001A00)ACH550/ACS320 or (Part Number: CRDISKKIT003A00)ACH580.On 48/50 Series single package rooftop units and 40RU fan coilsequipped with the SAV option, the supply fan speed is controlledby a 3-phase VFD. See Fig. 6-23 for the location of the VFD in theunits covered by this supplement.The VFD is powered during normal operation to prevent conden-sation from forming on the boards during the off mode and isstopped by driving the speed to 0. The units use ABB VFDs. Theinterface wiring for the VFDs is shown in Fig. 29 and 30 (onpage 20). Terminal designations are shown in the Terminal Desig-nation table (see Tables 12 and 13 on page 20). Configurations areshown in the VFD Keypad Parameters tables (see Tables 36-42 onpages 75-82).Details on ACH550/ACS320 operation with remote keypad startbelow. For details on remote keypad for ACH580 VFDs, see“ACH580 Operation with Remote Keypad” on page 69.ACH550/ACS320 Operation with Remote KeypadThe remote keypad used with ACH550/ACS320 VFDs is shownin Fig. 53. The functions of SOFT KEYS (1 and 2) change de-pending on what is displayed on the screen. The function of SOFTKEY 1 matches the word in the lower left-hand box on the displayscreen. The function of SOFT KEY 2 matches the word in thelower right-hand box on the display screen. If the box is empty,then the SOFT KEY does not have a function on that specificscreen. The UP and DOWN keys are used to navigate through themenus. The OFF key is used to turn off the VFD. The AUTO keyis used to change control of the drive to automatic control. TheHAND key is used to change control of the drive to local (hand-held) control. The HELP button is used to access the help screens.For the VFD to operate on the units covered by this document, thedrive must be set in AUTO mode. The word “AUTO” will appearin the upper left hand corner of the VFD display. Press the AUTObutton to set the drive in AUTO mode.Fig. 53 — ACH550/ACS320 VFD KeypadSTART UP WITH ASSISTANTInitial start-up has been performed at the factory. Use of the startup assistant will override factory VFD configurations.START UP BY CHANGING PARAMETERS INDIVIDUALLYInitial start-up is performed at the factory. To start up the VFD bychanging individual parameters, perform the following procedure:1. Select MENU (SOFT KEY 2). The Main menu will bedisplayed.2. Use the UP or DOWN keys to highlight PARAMETERSon the display screen and press ENTER (SOFT KEY 2).3. Use the UP or DOWN keys to highlight the desiredparameter group and press SEL (SOFT KEY 2).4. Use the UP or DOWN keys to highlight the desiredparameter and press EDIT 320/550 (SOFT KEY 2).5. Use the UP or DOWN keys to change the value of theparameter.6. Press SAVE (SOFT KEY 2) to store the modified value.Press CANCEL (SOFT KEY 1) to keep the previous value.Any modifications that are not saved will not be changed.7. Choose another parameter or press EXIT/BACK (SOFTKEY 1) to return to the listing of parameter groups. Con-tinue until all the parameters have been configured andthen press EXIT/BACK (SOFT KEY 1) to return to themain menu.NOTE: The current parameter value appears above the highlightparameter. To view the default parameter value, press the UP andDOWN keys simultaneously. To restore the default factorysettings, select the application macro “HVAC Default.”ACH550/ACS320 only.ACH550/ACS320 VFD ModesThe VFD has several different modes for configuring, operating,and diagnosing the VFD. The modes are:• Standard Display mode — shows drive status informationand operates the drive• Parameters mode — edits parameter values individually• Start-up Assistant mode — guides the start up andconfiguration• Changed Parameters mode — shows all changedparameters• Drive Parameter Backup mode — stores or uploads theparameters• Clock Set mode — sets the time and date for the drive• I/O Settings mode — checks and edits the I/O settingsSTANDARD DISPLAY MODEUse the standard display mode to read information on the drivestatus and operate the drive. To reach the standard display mode,press EXIT until the LCD display shows status information asdescribed below. (See Fig. 54.)Fig. 54 — Standard Display ExampleThe top line of the LCD display shows the basic status informa-tion of the drive. The HAND icon indicates that the drive controlis local from the control panel. The AUTO icon indicates that thedrive is in remote control mode, such as the basic I/O or field bus.The arrow icon indicates the drive and motor rotation status. Arotating arrow (clockwise or counterclockwise) indicates thatCAUTIONCONFIGURATION OVERRIDE HAZARDDo not use ABB or Carrier start-up assistant on this VFDapplication. Use of start-up assistant will override the factoryVFD configurations.StatusLEDSoftKey 1 SoftKey 2UpDownAutoOff HandHelp(Always Available)(GREEN whenNormal, If FlasingRED, SeeDiagnostics.)60.0Hz100.0 %SP1.9 A10.0 Vdc