27ECONOMI$ERIV CONTROL MODESDetermine the EconoMi$erIV control mode before set up ofthe control. Some modes of operation may require different sen-sors. Refer to Table 12. The EconoMi$erIV is supplied from thefactory with a supply air temperature sensor, a low temperaturecompressor lockout switch, and an outdoor air temperature sen-sor. This allows for operation of the EconoMi$erIV with out-door air dry bulb changeover control. Additional accessoriescan be added to allow for different types of changeover controland operation of the EconoMi$erIV and unit.Table 12 — EconoMi$erIV Sensor Usage*CRENTDIF004A00 and CRTEMPSN002A00 accessories areused on many different base units. As such, these kits may con-tain parts that will not be needed for installation.†33ZCSENCO2 is an accessory CO 2 sensor.**33ZCASPCO2 is an accessory aspirator box required for duct-mounted applications.††CRCBDIOX005A00 is an accessory that contains both33ZCSENCO2 and 33ZCASPCO2 accessories.Outdoor Dry Bulb Changeover — The standard controller isshipped from the factory configured for outdoor dry bulbchangeover control. The outdoor air and supply air temperaturesensors are included as standard. For this control mode, theoutdoor temperature is compared to an adjustable set pointselected on the control. If the outdoor-air temperature is abovethe set point, the EconoMi$erIV will adjust the outdoor-airdampers to minimum position. If the outdoor-air temperature isbelow the set point, the position of the outdoor-air dampers willbe controlled to provide free cooling using outdoor air. Whenin this mode, the LED next to the free cooling set point potenti-ometer will be on. The changeover temperature set point iscontrolled by the free cooling set point potentiometer locatedon the control. See Fig. 38. The scale on the potentiometer is A,B, C, and D. See Fig. 39 for the corresponding temperaturechangeover values.Differential Dry Bulb Control — For differential dry bulbcontrol the standard outdoor dry bulb sensor is used in conjunc-tion with an additional accessory return air sensor (part numberCRTEMPSN002A00). The accessory sensor must be mountedin the return airstream. See Fig. 40.In this mode of operation, the outdoor-air temperature iscompared to the return-air temperature and the lower tempera-ture airstream is used for cooling. When using this mode ofchangeover control, turn the free cooling/enthalpy set pointpotentiometer fully clockwise to the D setting. See Fig. 38.IMPORTANT: The optional EconoMi$er2 does not includea controller. The EconoMi$er2 is operated by a 4 to 20 mAsignal from an existing field-supplied controller (such asPremierLink™ control). See Fig. 37 for wiring information.APPLICATIONECONOMI$ERIV WITH OUTDOOR AIRDRY BULB SENSORAccessories RequiredOutdoor AirDry BulbNone. The outdoor air dry bulb sensoris factory installed.DifferentialDry Bulb CRTEMPSN002A00*Single Enthalpy HH57AC078DifferentialEnthalpyHH57AC078andCRENTDIF004A00*CO 2 for DCVControl using aWall-MountedCO 2 Sensor33ZCSENCO2CO 2 for DCVControl using aDuct-MountedCO 2 Sensor33ZCSENCO2†and33ZCASPCO2**ORCRCBDIOX005A00††Fig. 38 — EconoMi$erIV Controller Potentiometerand LED LocationsLED ONLED ONLED ONLED ONLED OFF1918LED OFFLED OFFLED OFF1716151413121110940 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100DEGREES FAHRENHEITmADCBAFig. 39 — Outside Air TemperatureChangeover Set PointsIAQSENSORRETURN AIRTEMPERATUREOR ENTHALPYSENSORTR124 VacCOMTR24VacHOT1 23 45EF EF1+ _P1T1PTNEXH2V 10VEXHSetSet2V 10V2V 10VDCVDCVFreeCoolB CA DSO+SR+SRSOAQ1AQDCVMinPosOpenMaxN1Fig. 40 — Return Air Temperature orEnthalpy Sensor Mounting Location