13Fig. 10 — Horizontal Duct Panels In PlaceStep 8 — Install Outside Air HoodECONOMIZER HOOD REMOVAL AND SETUP(FACTORY OPTION)The hood is shipped in knock-down form and located in the re-turn air compartment. It is attached to the economizer usingtwo plastic tie-wraps.1. To gain access to the hood, remove the filter access panel.(See Fig. 11.)2. Locate and cut the (2) plastic tie-wraps, being careful notto damage any wiring. (See Fig. 12.)3. Carefully lift the hood assembly through the filter accessopening and assemble per the steps outlined in Econo-mizer Hood and Two–Position Hood Assembly onpage 14.Fig. 11 — Typical Access Panel LocationsFig. 12 — Economizer WiringTWO-POSITION DAMPER HOOD REMOVAL ANDSETUP (FACTORY OPTION)The hood is shipped in knock-down form and assembled to ametal support tray using plastic stretch wrap. Located in the re-turn air compartment, the assembly’s metal tray is attached tothe basepan and also attached to the damper using two plastictie-wraps.1. To gain access to the hood, remove the filter access panel.(See Fig. 11.)2. Locate the (2) screws holding the metal tray to the basepanand remove. Locate and cut the (2) plastic tie-wraps secur-ing the assembly to the damper. (See Fig. 13.) Be carefulnot to damage any wiring or cut tie-wraps securing anywiring.3. Carefully lift the hood assembly (with metal tray) throughthe filter access opening and assemble per the steps out-lined in Economizer Hood and Two–Position HoodAssembly on page 14.Fig. 13 — Damper AssemblySCREWSDUCT COVERSSHEET METALFACE UPBASEPANFILTER ACCESS PANELOUTDOOR-AIR OPENING ANDINDOOR COIL ACCESS PANELCOMPRESSORACCESS PANELECONOMIZERCUT PLASTIC TIES(2) PLACESREMOVE HOOD PARTSHOOD PARTSPLASTIC TIE WRAPQTY (2)SCREWS FORMETAL TRAYQTY (2)