37Table 10 — Menu Structure* (cont)MENU PARAMETERPARAMETERDEFAULTVALUEPARAMETERRANGE ANDINCREMENT† NOTESSTATUS(CONT)ACT COUNT N/A 1 to 65535 Displays number of times actuator has cycled.1 cycles equals 180 deg. of actuator movement in any direction.ACTUATOR N/A OK/Alarm (on Alarmmenu)Displays ERROR if voltage or torque is below actuator range.EXH1 OUT OFF ON/OFF EXHAUST STAGE 1 RELAY OUTPUTOutput of EXH1 terminal:ON = relay closedOFF = relay openEXH2 OUT OFF ON/OFF EXHAUST STAGE 2 RELAY OUTPUTOutput of AUX terminal; displays only if AUX = EXH2ERV OFF ON/OFF ENERGY RECOVERY VENTILATOROutput of AUX terminal; displays only if AUX = ERVMECH COOL ONorHEAT STAGES ON0 0, 1, or 2 Displays stage of mechanical cooling that is active.Displays the stage of heat pump heating that is active.FAN SPEED N/A LOW or HIGH SUPPLY FAN SPEEDDisplays speed setting of fan on a 2-speed fan unit.W (HEAT ON) N/A ON/OFF HEAT DEMAND STATUSDisplays status of heat demand on a 2-speed fan unit.SETPOINTSMAT SET 53F 38 to 65 F; incrementby 1SUPPLY AIR SETPOINTSetpoint determines where the economizer will modulate the OA damper tomaintain the mixed air temperature.LOW T LOCK 32F -45 to 80 F;increment by 1COMPRESSOR LOW TEMPERATURE LOCKOUTSetpoint determines outdoor temperature when the mechanical cooling cannotbe turned on. Commonly referred to as the Compressor lockout.DRYBLB SET 63F 48 to 80 F; incrementby 1OA DRY BULB TEMPERATURE CHANGEOVER SETPOINTSetpoint determines where the economizer will assume outdoor air tempera-ture is good for free cooling; e.g.; at 63 F unit will economize at 62 F and belowand not economize at 64 F and above. There is a 2 F deadband.ENTH CURVE ES3 ES1,ES2,ES3,ES4,or ES5ENTHALPY CHANGEOVER CURVEEnthalpy boundary “curves” for economizing using single enthalpy.DCV SET 1100ppm 500 to 2000ppm;increment by 100DEMAND CONTROLLED VENTILATIONDisplays only if CO2 sensor is connected. Setpoint for Demand ControlledVentilation of space. Above the setpoint, the OA dampers will modulate opento bring in additional OA to maintain a space ppm level below the setpoint.MIN POS 2.8 V 2 to 10 Vdc VENTILATION MINIMUM POSITIONDisplays ONLY if a CO 2 sensor is NOT connected.VENTMAXWith 2-speed fan unitsVENTMAX L (low speedfan) and VENTMAX H(high speed fan) settingsare required2.8 V2 to 10 VdcDCV MAXIMUM DAMPER POSITIONDisplays only if a CO 2 sensor is connected. Used for Vbz (ventilation max cfm)setpoint. Displays 2 to 10 V if <3 sensors (RA,OA, and MA). In AUTO modedampers controlled by CFM.100 to 9990 cfm;incrementby 10If OA, MA, RA, and CO 2 sensors are connected and DCV CAL ENABLE is setto AUTO mode, the OA dampers are controlled by CFM and displays from 100to 9990 CFM.2 to 10 Vdc With 2-speed fan units VENT L (low speed fan) and MIN POS H (high speedfan) settings are required. Default for VENTMAX L is 3.2V and VENTMAX H is2.8VVENTMINWith 2-speedfan units VENTMIN L (lowspeed fan) and VENTMINH (high speed fan) set2.25 V2 to 10 Vdc or 100 to9990 cfm incrementby 10DCV MINIMUM DAMPER POSITIONDisplays only if a CO2 sensor is connected. Used for Ba (ventilation min cfm)setpoint. Displays 2 to 10 V if <3 sensors (RA, OA, and MA). Va is only set ifDCV is used. This is the ventilation for less than maximum occupancy of thespace. In AUTO mode dampers controlled by CFM.100 to 9990 cfm;incrementby 10If OA, MA, RA, and CO 2 sensors are connected and DCV CAL ENABLE is setto AUTO mode, the OA dampers are controlled by CFM and displays from 100to 9990 CFM.2 to 10 VdcWith 2-speed fan units VENTMIN L (low speed fan) and MIN POS H (highspeed fan) settings are required. Default for VENTMIN L is 3.2V and VENT-MIN H is 2.8VERV OAT SP †† 32°F 0 to 50 F; incrementby 1ENERGY RECOVERY VENTILATOR UNIT OUTDOOR AIR TEMPERATURESETPOINTOnly when AUX1 O = ERVEXH1 SETWith 2-speed fan unitsExh1 L (low speed fan) andExh1 H (high speed fan)settings are required50% 0 to 100%;incrementby 1EXHAUST FAN STAGE 1 SETPOINTSetpoint for OA damper position when exhaust fan 1 is powered by the econo-mizer.With 2-speed fan units Exh1 L (low speed fan) and Exh1 H (high speed fan)settings are required. Default for Exh1 L is 65% and Exh1 H is 50%EXH2 SETWith 2-speed fan unitsExh2 L (low speed fan) andExh2 H (high speed fan)settings are required75% 0 to 100%; incrementby 1EXHAUST FAN STAGE 2 SETPOINTSetpoint for OA damper position when exhaust fan 2 is powered by the econo-mizer. Only used when AUX1 O is set to EHX2.With 2-speed fan units Exh2 L (low speed fan) and Exh2 H (high speed fan)settings are required. Default for Exh2 L is 80% and Exh2 H is 75%