22Single Point Boxes and Supplementary FusesWhen the unit MOCP device value exceeds 60-A, unit-mount-ed supplementary fuses are required for each heater circuit.These fuses are included in accessory single point boxes, withpower distribution and fuse blocks. The single point box willbe installed directly under the unit control box, just to the leftof the partition separating the indoor section (with electricheaters) from the outdoor section. The single point box has ahinged access cover. See Fig. 35. The single point box also in-cludes a set of power taps and pigtails to complete the wiringbetween the single point box and the unit’s main control boxterminals. Refer to the accessory heater and single point boxinstallation instructions for details on tap connections on thefield-installed electric heat accessory.All fuses on 50HCQ units are 60-A. (Note that all heaters arequalified for use with a 60-A fuse, regardless of actual heaterampacity, so only 60-A fuses are necessary.)Single Point Boxes without FusesRefer to accessory heater and single point box installation in-structions for details on tap connections. Fig. 35 — Typical Single Point InstallationTable 5 — Heater Model NumberALLIED PAMODEL NO.ERIAL NO.CORP.11 1321 23OD22.23123ISTED AIRNDITIONINGUIP ACCESS346N .P / N 2- 5610-4 REV11 1321 23CONTROLBOXBUSHINGSINGLEPOINT BOXMOUNTINGSCREWSFOAMBUSHINGDRIP BOOTBRACKETMOUNTINGSCREWSHEATERRELAYSPOWERWIRESHEATERMOUNTINGSCREWSBARE HEATERMODEL NUMBER C R H E A T E R 0 0 1 A 0 0Heater Sales PackageP/N includes:C R H E A T E R 1 0 1 A 0 0Bare HeaterCarton and packingmaterialsInstallation sheet