6650TFQ004-012 (UNITS WITH ELECTRICAL CONVENIENCE OUTLET) (CONT)UNIT NOMINAL IFMVOLTAGERANGECOMPRESSOR(each) OFM IFMELECTRICHEAT* POWER SUPPLY DISCONNECTSIZE†UNIT50TFQNOMINALV-PH-HzIFMTYPE Min Max RLA LRAOFMFLAIFMFLA NominalkW** FLA MCA MOCP FLA LRA— — 25.5 30†† 27 14516.5 19.8 50.3 60†† 50 165STD 414 508 8 6 59 6 0 7 2 6 27.8 33.4 67.3 70 65 178STD 414 508 8.6 59.6 0.7 2.6 33.0 39.7 75.2 80 73 185STD 414 508 8.6 59.6 0.7 2.641.7 50.2 88.3 90 85 195***50.0 60.1 85.6 90 96 205***— — 26.3 30†† 28 18516.5 19.8 51.1 60†† 51 204460 3 60 ALT 414 508 8 6 59 6 0 7 3 4 27.8 33.4 68.1 70 66 218460-3-60 ALT 414 508 8.6 59.6 0.7 3.4 33.0 39.7 76.0 80 73 224460 3 60 ALT 414 508 8.6 59.6 0.7 3.441.7 50.2 89.1 90 86 235***50.0 60.1 86.4 90 97 245***— — 30.3 35†† 32 17916.5 19.8 55.1 60†† 55 198012 HIGH STATIC 414 508 8 6 59 6 0 7 7 4 27.8 33.4 72.1 80 71 212012(10 Tons) HIGH-STATIC 414 508 8.6 59.6 0.7 7.4 33.0 39.7 80.0 80 78 218(10 Tons) HIGH STATIC 414 508 8.6 59.6 0.7 7.441.7 50.2 93.1 100 90 229***50.0 60.1 90.4 100 102 239***— — 20.5 25†† 22 120STD 518 632 6 9 49 4 0 7 2 6 17.0 17.1 41.8 45†† 41 137STD 518 632 6.9 49.4 0.7 2.6 34.0 34.1 63.1 70 61 154STD 518 632 6.9 49.4 0.7 2.651.0 51.2 71.7 80 80 171***— — 21.1 25†† 22 151575 3 60 ALT 518 632 6 9 49 4 0 7 3 17.0 17.1 42.5 45†† 42 168575-3-60 ALT 518 632 6.9 49.4 0.7 3.4 34.0 34.1 63.7 70 62 1855 5 3 60 5 8 63 6 9 9 0 451.0 51.2 72.3 80 81 202***— — 24.3 25†† 26 146HIGH STATIC 518 632 6 9 49 4 0 7 7 17.0 17.1 45.7 50†† 46 163HIGH-STATIC 518 632 6.9 49.4 0.7 7.4 34.0 34.1 66.9 70 65 180G S C 5 8 63 6 9 9 0 451.0 51.2 75.5 80 85 198***LEGENDFLA — Full Load AmpsHACR — Heating, Air Conditioning and RefrigerationIFM — Indoor Fan MotorLRA — Locked Rotor AmpsMCA — Minimum Circuit AmpsMOCP — Maximum Overcurrent ProtectionNEC — National Electrical CodeOFM — Outdoor Fan MotorRLA — Rated Load Amps*Heaters are field installed only.†Used to determine minimum disconnect size per NEC.**Heater capacity (kW) is based on heater voltage of 208 v, 240 v and 480v. If power distribution voltage to unit varies from rated heater voltage,heater kW will vary accordingly.††Fuse or HACR circuit breaker.***Optional disconnect switch is unavailable.NOTES:1. In compliance with NEC requirements for multimotor and combinationload equipment (refer to NEC Articles 430 and 440), the overcurrent pro-tective device for the unit shall be fuse or HACR breaker.2. Unbalanced 3-Phase Supply VoltageNever operate a motor where a phase imbalance in supply voltage isgreater than 2%. Use the following formula to determine the percent ofvoltage imbalance.% Voltage Imbalancemax voltage deviation from average voltage= 100 x average voltageExample: Supply voltage is 460-3-60.AB = 452 vBC = 464 vAC = 455 v452 + 464 + 455Average Voltage = 31371= 3= 457Determine maximum deviation from average voltage.(AB) 457 – 452 = 5 v(BC) 464 – 457 = 7 v(AC) 457 – 455 = 2 vMaximum deviation is 7 v.Determine percent of voltage imbalance.% Voltage Imbalance = 100 x 7457= 1.53%This amount of phase imbalance is satisfactory as it is below the maxi-mum allowable 2%.IMPORTANT:If the supply voltage phase imbalance is morethan 2%, contact your local electrical utility companyimmediately.POWER EXHAUST ELECTRICAL DATAPOWER EXHAUSTPART NO.MCA(230 v)MCA(460 v)MCA(575 v)MOCP(for separatepower source)CRPWREXH021A01 N/A 0.68 N/A 15CRPWREXH022A01 3.4 N/A 1.32 15CRPWREXH023A01 N/A 1.4 N/A 15CRPWREXH028A01 1.7 N/A 0.68 15CRPWREXH029A01 N/A 0.7 N/A 15CRPWREXH030A01 1.6 N/A 0.64 15N/A — Not availableNOTE: If a single power source is to be used, size wire to include power ex-haust MCA and MOCP.Check MCA and MOCP when power exhaust is powered through the unit.Determine the new MCA including the power exhaust using the following for-mula:MCA New = MCA unit only + MCA of Power ExhaustFor example, using a 50TFQ006---5 unit with MCA = 35.6 and MOCP = 40,with CRPWREXH030A01 power exhaust.MCA New = 35.6 amps + 1.6 amps = 37.2 ampsIf the new MCA does not exceed the published MOCP, then MOCP wouldnot change. The MOCP in this example is 40 amps and the MCA New is be-low 40; therefore the MOCP is acceptable. If “MCA New” is larger than thepublished MOCP, raise the MOCP to the next larger size. In all cases, theMOCP for the power exhaust should be 15 amps per NEC.50TFQ