and the wire tie on the right to be cut is located approximately6 in. down the tube sheet.Step 5—Select and Install DuctworkThe design and installation of the duct system must be inaccordance with the standards of the NFPA for installation ofnon-residence type air conditioning and ventilating systems, NFPA90A or residence-type, NFPA 90B and/or local codes and ordi-nances.Select and size ductwork, supply-air registers, and return air grillesaccording to ASHRAE (American Society of Heating, Refrigera-tion, and Air Conditioning Engineers) recommendations.The unit has duct flanges on the supply- and return-air openings onthe side of the unit.When designing and installing ductwork, consider the following:For vertical supply and return units, tools or parts could dropinto ductwork and cause serious injury or death. Install a 90degree turn in the return ductwork between the unit and theconditioned space. If a 90 degree elbow cannot be installed,then a grille of sufficient strength and density should beinstalled to prevent objects from falling into the conditionedspace. Units with electric heaters require 90 degree elbow insupply duct.1. All units should have field-supplied filters or accessory filterrack installed in the return-air side of the unit. Recommendedsizes for filters are shown in Table 1.2. Avoid abrupt duct size increases and reductions. Abruptchange in duct size adversely affects air performance.IMPORTANT: Use flexible connectors between duct-work andunit to prevent transmission of vibration. Use suitable gaskets toensure weather tight and airtight seal. When electric heat isinstalled, use fireproof canvas (or similar heat resistant material)connector between ductwork and unit discharge connection. Ifflexible duct is used, insert a sheet metal sleeve inside duct. Heatresistant duct connector (or sheet metal sleeve) must extend 24-in.from electric heater element.1. Size ductwork for cooling air quantity (cfm). The minimumair quantity for proper electric heater operation is listed inTable 2. Heater limit switches may trip at air quantities belowthose recommended.2. Seal, insulate and weatherproof all external ductwork. Seal,insulate and cover with a vapor barrier all ductwork passingthrough conditioned spaces. Follow latest Sheet Metal and AirConditioning Contractors National Association (SMACNA)and Air Conditioning Contractors Association (ACCA) mini-mum installation standards for residential heating and airconditioning systems.3. Secure all ducts to building structure. Flash,weatherproof, andvibration-isolate duct openings in wall or roof according togood construction practices.CONVERTING HORIZONTAL DISCHARGE UNITS TODOWNFLOW (VERTICAL) DISCHARGE UNITSBefore performing service or maintenance operations onsystem, turn off main power to unit. Turn off accessory heaterpower switch if applicable. Electrical shock could causeserious injury or death.1. Open all electrical disconnects before starting any servicework.Fig. 5—Unit Leveling Tolerances C99065ABCMAXIMUM ALLOWABLEDIFFERENCE (in.)A-B B-C A-C1/4 1/4 1/4Fig. 6—Slab Mounting Detail C99096OPTIONALRETURNAIROPENINGOPTIONALSUPPLYAIROPENINGINDOOR COIL OUTDOOR COIL2"Fig. 7—Threading Belt C99067HANDHOLDFEEDHOOKUNIT 50JZ MAXIMUM WEIGHT A BSize lb. kg. in. mm. in. mm.024 321 145.6 19.0 482.6 18.25 463.6030 342 155.2 20.0 508 19.25 489036 350 158.8 20.0 508 19.0 482.6042 372 168.8 21.0 533.4 20.5 520.7048 377 171.0 20.0 508 21.25 539.8060 450 204.2 21.0 533.4 20.0 508.0Fig. 8—Suggested RiggingC99075PLACE RIGGING BRACKET ASSEMBLY IN 4HAND HOLES AND INSTALL TIE DOWN STRAPAROUND PERIMETER OF UNIT AND THROUGHSPACE IN BRACKET ASSEMBLYINSTALL SAFETY STRAPS TORIGGING CLEVIS AT 4 RIGGING BRACKETSTIGHTEN STRAPPING SECURELYWITH TENSION BUCKLESEE DETAIL ADETAIL ASCALE 0.250914-137"(36"-54")“A”“B”6