c. Termination kit should be positioned so it will not beaffected by wind eddy (such as inside building corners) oraccumulation of airborne leaves or light snow, or allowrecirculation of flue gases.d. Termination kit should be positioned where it will not bedamaged by or subjected to foreign objects, such as stones,balls, etc.e. Termination kit should be positioned where vent vapors arenot objectionable.2. Cut one 4-in. diameter hole for 2-in. kit, or one 5-in. diameterhole for 3-in. kit.3. Loosely assemble concentric vent/air termination componentstogether using instructions in kit.4. Slide assembled kit with rain shield REMOVED through hole.NOTE: Do not allow insulation or other materials to accumulateinside of pipe assembly when installing it through hole.Roof terminations—Locate assembly through roof to appro-priate height as shown in Fig. 38.Sidewall terminations—Locate assembly through sidewallwith rain shield positioned no more than 1-in. from wall asshown in Fig. 38.5. Disassemble loose pipe fittings. Clean and cement using sameprocedures as used for system piping.6. Check required dimensions as shown in Fig. 38 or 39.Step 4—Multiventing and Vent TerminationsWhen 2 or more 58MVP Furnaces are vented near each other, eachfurnace must be individually vented. NEVER common vent orbreach vent 58MVP furnaces. When 2 or more 58MVP furnacesare vented near each other, 2 vent terminations may be installed asshown in Fig. 42, 43, 44, 45, or 46, but next vent termination mustbe at least 36 in. away from first 2 terminations. It is important thatvent terminations be made as shown to avoid recirculation of fluegases. Dimension "A" in Fig. 42, 43, 44, 45, and 46 representsdistance between pipes or rain shields, as touching or 2-in.maximum separation.CONDENSATE DRAINStep 1—GeneralCondensate trap is shipped installed in the blower shelf and factoryconnected for UPFLOW applications. Condensate trap must beRELOCATED for use in DOWNFLOW and HORIZONTALapplications.Condensate trap MUST be used for all applications.An external trap is not required when connecting the field drain tothis condensate trap.The field drain connection (condensate trap or drain tube coupling)is sized for 1/2-in. CPVC, 1/2-in. PVC, or 5/8-in. ID tubeconnection.Drain pipe and fittings must conform to ANSI standards andASTM D1785, D2466, or D2846. CPVC or PVC cement mustconform to ASTM D2564 or F493. Primer must conform to ASTMF656. In Canada, use CSA or ULC certified schedule 40 CPVC orPVC drain pipe, fittings, and cement.When a condensate pump is required, select a pump which isapproved for condensing furnace applications. To avoid conden-sate spillage, select a pump with an overflow switch.Furnace condensate is mildly acidic, typically in the pH range of3.2 to 4.5. Due to corrosive nature of this condensate, a condensatepH neutralizing filter may be desired. Check with local authoritiesto determine if a pH neutralizer is required.Step 2—ApplicationThe furnace, A/C, and humidifier drains may be combined anddrained together. The A/C drain must have an external, field-supplied trap prior to the furnace drain connection. All drainconnections (furnace, A/C, or humidifier) must be terminated intoan open or vented drain as close to the respective equipment aspossible to prevent siphoning of the equipment’s drain.See Fig. 48 for example of possible field drain attachment using1/2-in. CPVC or PVC tee for vent and A/C or humidifier drainconnection.Outdoor draining of the furnace is permissible if allowed by localcodes. Caution should be taken when freezing ambient may freezedrain pipe and prohibit draining.Caution should be taken to prevent draining where slipperyconditions may cause personal injuries. Excessive condensatedraining may cause saturated soil conditions which may resultin damage to plants.Step 3—Condensate Drain ProtectionFreezing condensate left in condensate trap and drain line maycause cracks, and possible water damage may occur. If freezeprotection is required, use condensate freeze protection accessoryor equivalent 3 to 6 watt per ft at 120v and 40°F self-regulating,shielded, and waterproof heat tape. See Installation Instructionssupplied with accessory or heat tape manufacturer’s recommenda-tions.1. Fold heat tape in half and wrap on itself 3 times.2. Locate heat tape between sides of condensate trap back. (SeeFig. 49.)3. Use wire ties to secure heat tape in place. Wire ties can bepositioned in notches of condensate trap sides. (See Fig. 49.)4. Wrap field drain pipe with remaining heat tape, approximately1 wrap per ft.5. When using field-supplied heat tape, follow heat tape manu-facturer’s instructions for all other installation guidelines.SEQUENCE OF OPERATIONFurnace control must be grounded for proper operation, orcontrol will lock out. Control is grounded throughgreen/yellow wire routed to gas valve and burner box screw.Using schematic diagram, follow sequence of operation throughdifferent modes. (See Fig. 31.) Read and follow wiring diagramcarefully.NOTE: If a power interruption occurs during a call for heat(W/W1 or W/W1-and-W2), the control will start a 90-secondblower-only ON period two seconds after power is restored, if thethermostat is still calling for gas heating. The amber LED light willflash code 12 during the 90-second period, after which the LEDwill be ON continuous, as long as no faults are detected. After the90-second period, the furnace will respond to the thermostatnormally.The blower door must be installed for power to be conductedthrough the blower door interlock switch ILK to the furnacecontrol CPU, transformer TRAN, inducer motor IDM, blowermotor BLWM, hot-surface igniter HSI, and gas valve GV.32→