11BC — Blower ContactorCB — Circuit BreakerCC — Compressor ContactorCO — Sensor, Condensate OverflowDPP — Dual Point PowerFP1 — Sensor, Water Coil Freeze ProtectionFP2 — Sensor, Air Coil Freeze ProtectionHP — High-Pressure SwitchHPWR — High-Pressure Water RelayJW3 — Clippable Field Selection JumperLOC — Loss of Charge Pressure SwitchPDB — Power Distribution BlockRVS — Reversing Valve SolenoidTRANS — TransformerTXV — Thermostatic Expansion ValveFactory Line Voltage WiringFactory Low Voltage WiringNOTES:1. Compressor and blower motor thermally protected internally.2. All wiring to the unit must comply with NEC (National ElectricalCode, U.S.A.) and local codes.3. 380/420-v transformers will be connected for 380-v operation. For420-v operation, disconnect VIO lead at L1, and attach BRN leadto L1. Close open end of VIO lead.4. FPI thermistor provides freeze protection for WATER. When usingANTIFREEZE solutions, cut JW3 jumper.5. Typical heat pump thermostat wiring shown. Refer to thermostatinstallation instructions for wiring to the unit. Thermostat wiringmust be “Class 1” and voltage rating equal to or greater than unitsupply voltage.6. 24-v alarm signal shown. For dry alarm contact, cut JW1 jumperand dry contact will be available between AL1 and AL2.7. Transformer secondary ground via Complete C board standoffsand screws to control box. (Ground available from top two stand-offs as shown.)8. Suffix 1 designates association with lead compressor. Suffix 2with lag compressor.9. For dual point power (DPP) option, blower wire will connect toother PBD.LEGENDField Line Voltage WiringField Low Voltage WiringPrinted Circuit TraceOptional WiringRelay/Contactor CoilThermistorCondensate PanCircuit BreakerGroundSolenoid CoilRelay Contacts - N.O.Relay Contacts - N.C.Temperature SwitchSwitch - Low PressureSwitch - High PressureWire NutFig. 12 — 50HQP072-120 Units — Typical Control Wiring with Complete C ControlComplete CComplete C1Complete CComplete C2Complete C2Complete C1