Carrier AQUAZONE 50RHC006-060 Series Product Data
3The Aquazone™ unit is shipped toprovide internal and external equip-ment protection. Shipping supportsare placed under the blower housingand compressor feet. In addition, hori-zontal and vertical units are bothmounted on oversized pallets with lagbolts for sturdiness and maximum pro-tection during transit.Ease of installationThe Aquazone unit is packaged forsimple low cost handling and requiresminimal installation. All units are pre-wired and factory charged with refrig-erant. Horizontal units include factory-installed hangar isolation brackets. Ver-tical units have an internally trappedcondensate drain to reduce labor asso-ciated with installing an external trapfor each unit. Water connections (FPT)and condensate drains (FPT) areanchored securely to the unit cabinet.Simple maintenance andserviceabilityThe Aquazone WSHP units are con-structed to provide easy maintenance.All units allow access to the compres-sor section from 3 sides and have largeremovable panels for easy access. Ad-ditional panels allow access to theblower and control box sections.The blower housing assembly can beserviced without disconnecting duct-work from the dedicated blower accesspanel. Blower units come with perma-nently lubricated bearings for worry-free performance. Blower inlet ringsallow blower wheel removal withouthaving to remove the housing orductwork connections.Electrical disconnection of the blow-er motor and control box is easily ac-complished via quick disconnects oneach component.Easy removal of the control boxfrom the unit provides access to allrefrigeration components.The refrigeration circuit is easilytested and serviced through high andlow pressure ports integral to therefrigeration circuit.Maximum control flexibilityAquazone water source heat pumpsprovide reliable control operation usinga standard microprocessor board withflexible alternatives for many direct digi-tal control (DDC) applications includingthe Carrier Comfort Network® (CCN)and open protocol systems.Carrier’s Aquazone standard unitsolid-state control system, the Com-plete C, provides control of the unitcompressor, reversing valve, fan, safetyfeatures, and troubleshooting fault indi-cation features. The Complete C con-trol is one of the most user friendly,low cost, and advanced control boardsfound in the WSHP industry. Manyfeatures are field selectable to providethe ultimate in field installation flexibili-ty. The overall features of this standardcontrol system include:50 va transformer assists in accom-modating accessory loads.Anti-short cycle timer provides aminimum off time to prevent the unitfrom short cycling. The 5-minute timerenergizes when the compressor isdeenergized, resulting in a 5-minutedelay before the unit can be restarted.Random start relay ensures a ran-dom delay in energizing each differentWSHP unit. This option minimizespeak electrical demand during start-upfrom different operating modes or afterbuilding power outages.High and low pressure refrigerantprotection safeguards against unreli-able unit operation and prevents refrig-erant from leaking.Condensate overflow sensor is anelectronic sensor mounted to the drainpan. When condensate pan liquidreaches an unacceptable level, the unitis automatically deactivated and placedin a lockout condition. The sensorrecognizes 30 continuous seconds ofoverflow as a fault condition.High and low voltage protectionprovides safety protection from exces-sive or low voltage conditions.Automatic intelligent reset willautomatically restart unit 5 minutesafter shutdown if the fault has cleared.Should a fault occur 3 times sequential-ly, lockout will occur.Accessory output output (24 v) isprovided to cycle a motorized watervalve or damper actuator with com-pressor in applications such as variablespeed pumping arrangements.Performance Monitor (PM) is aunique feature that monitors watertemperatures to warn when the heatpump is operating inefficiently or be-yond typical operating range. Fieldselectable switch initiates a warningcode on the unit display.Water coil freeze protection (se-lectable for water or antifreeze)provides a field selectable switch forwater and water/glycol solution sys-tems which initiates a fault when tem-peratures exceed the selected limit for30 continuous seconds.Air coil freeze protection (checkfilter operation) provides a field se-lectable switch for assessing excessivefilter pressure drop. The switch ini-tiates a fault when temperatures ex-ceed the selected limit for 30 continu-ous seconds.Alarm relay setting is a selectable24 v or pilot duty dry contact for acti-vating a remote alarm.Electric heat option is an outputprovided on the controller for operat-ing two stages of emergency electricheat.Service Test mode with diagnosticLED (light-emitting diode) allowsservice personnel to check the opera-tion of the WSHP and control systemefficiently. Upon entering Test mode,time delays speed up, and the StatusLED flashes a code to indicate thelast fault experienced. This mode pro-vides easy fault diagnosis; based on thefault code that the status LED flashes,Carrier troubleshooting tables provideeasy reference to typical problems.LED visual output indicates highpressure, low pressure, low voltage,high voltage, air/water freeze protec-tion, condensate overflow, and controlstatus via a LED panel.Carrier PremierLink™ control-ler adds reliability, efficiency,and simplificationThe PremierLink direct digital control-ler can be ordered as a factory-installed option. Designed and manu-factured exclusively by Carrier, thecontroller can actively monitor andcontrol all modes of operation as wellas monitor the following diagnosticsand features: unit number, zone tem-perature, zone set point, zonehumidity set point, discharge air tem-peratures, fan status, stages of heating,stages of cooling, outdoor-air tempera-ture, leaving-air temperature, leavingwater temperature, alarm status, andalarm lockout condition. |
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