" GENERAL°NFORMATONSection 1 - Genera[ information1S kW Generator/_ Only qua[ified electricians or contractors shouldattempt such installations, which must complystdctJy with applkabIe codes, standards andreguJationso1.1 UNPACRING/INSPECTMONAfter unpacking, earet_flly inspect tile contentslbr damage.This standby generator set has been laetory sup-plied with a weatller protective enclosure that isintended for outdoor installation only.-A waRmnaA-z_ tf this generator is used to power eIectrica[ [oadcircuits normaIIy powered by a utiIity powersource, it is required by code to install a trans-fer switch, The transfer switch must effectiveJyisolate the electrical system from the utilitydistribution system when the generator is oper-ating (NEC 700, 701 and 702}. Failure to [soJatean electdca[ system by such means will result indamage to the generator and also may resuIt ininjury or death to utility power workers due tobackfeed of eJectr[ca[ energy.If any loss or damage is noted at time of delivery, havetile person(s} making tile delivery note all damage onthe lreigllt bill or affix his or her signature under tileconsignor's memo of loss or damage.If a loss or damage is noted after delivery, separatetile damaged materials and contact the carrier lbrclaim procedures."Concealed damage" is understood to mean damageto tile contents of a package that is not in evidence attile time of delivery, but is discovered later.1.2 LOCATIONTo lift tile generator, insert pipe imving sufIieientstrengtil and diameter througil the lifting holes whichare located near the unit's base (see Figure 1.1). Tileunit may also be lifted by using a llook and hoistmetllod provided a spreader bar is used to ensuretile lifting lines clear the roof panel.Z_ When tilting or hoisting equipment is used, becarefu[ not to contact overhead power Hneso/_ The generator's weight of more than 300pounds requires proper toots, equipment andqua[flied personnel to be used in a[[ phases ofhandling and unpacking.1.3 PROTECTION SYSTEMSUnlike an automobile engine, the generator may haveto run for long periods of time with no operator pres-ent to monitor engine conditions. For that reason, theengine is equipped with the following systems thatprotect it against potentially damaging conditions:1. Low Oil Pressure Sensor 3. Overerank2. Higil Temperature Sensor 4. OverspeedThere are LED readouts on the control panel to indi-cate that one of these iimlts has occurred. There isalso a "System Set" LED that is described below.1.4 SYSTEM SET [.EDThe "System Set" LED is lit when all of the lhllowingconditions are true:1. The AUTO/OFF/MANUAL switch is set to theAUTO position.2. The utility voltage being supplied to the unit isbeing sensed by the Control PCB. If the utilitysense voltage is not connected to the unit or if itis below 168 volts AC, then the system set ligiltwill flash rapidl> This indicates that if the AUTO/OFF/MANUAL switch is placed in the Auto posi-tion, the generator will start.3. Tile "Not In Auto" dip switeil is set to tile OFFposition on the control board.4. No alarms are present, for example, low oil pres-sure, higil temperature, etc.4