13L 123456G/YG/YYELREDBLKBLKYELRED BLU6 82 4CRRED* BLU*REDCAP S CRBLK2 4BR16 8YEL BLKYEL OR WHTBLKBLUREDBMCBRNBR2NO COMNCTRANS BLKRED(220V)ORG(240V)24VCBYEL BLUCRBR2BR1OGRCXIY1O/W2GRCAL1W1AL2AP3RCJW1LPG12345678910HPLOCFP1RVCOP7P6 CCG24VDCEH1EH2REDBLUGRYGRYHPLOCFP1FP2BRNBRNORGYELVIO VIOVIONSBESDOVRHP2CRY2P1RRCOMNC2NO2COMNC1NO1 ACC1ACC2JW2FP2JW3FP1FP2CC123456781234567812345678COYELCR1MV*YRRED BLK*HWTSBLK*GRYBR2BRNBRN10COMNO NCCOMNOCOM2 COM1RC S CSGRYREDREDJW4AL2 DRYBRN*2RED*BR112CRBR1BR2PBFig. 11 - Typical Aquazone Deluxe D control wiring (single-phase unit)LegendAL Alarm relay contactsBM Blower motorBMC Blower motor capacitorBR Blower relayCAP Compressor capacitorCB Circuit breakerCO Sensor, condensate overflowFP1 Sensor, water coil freeze protectionFP2 Sensor, air coil freeze protectionGND GroundHP High pressure switchHWTS High (leaving) water temperature switchJW Clippable field selection jumperLOC Loss of charge pressure switchMV Motorised valveP1 Field wiring terminal blockPB Power blockPM Performance MonitorPSC Permanent split capacitorRVS Reversing valve solenoidTRANS Transformer optional wiringField line voltage wiringField low voltage wiringPrinted circuit traceOptional wiringRelay/contactor coilThermistorCondensate panLEDSolenoid coilRelay contacts - NOTemperature switchSwitch - loss of chargeGroundWire nut* Optional wiringNotes:1. Compressor thermally protected internally.2. All wiring to the unit must comply with local codes.3. Transformer is wired to 240 V (ORG) lead for 240-1-50 units, switch RED andORG leads to PB(1) and insulate ORG lead for 220-1-50.4. FP1 thermistor provides freeze protection for water. When using anti-freezesolutions, cut JW3 jumper.5. Check installation wiring information for specific thermostat hook-up. Refer tothermostat installation instructions for wiring to the unit. Thermostat wiring mustbe ‘Class 1’ and voltage rating equal to or greater than unit supply voltage.6. 24-V alarm signal shown. For dry alarm contact, cut JW4 jumper, and drycontact will be available between AL1 and AL2.7. Transformer secondary ground via microprocessor board stand-offs andscrews to control box. (Ground available from top two stand-offs as shown.)8. Blower motor is factory-wired for medium and high speeds. For any othercombination of speeds, at the motor attach black wire to the higher of the twodesired speed taps, and the blue wire to the lower of the two desired speedtaps.Sizes 015-060GEarth (GRD)N (Neutral)Start assist(when needed)CompressorPower supplyRefer to data plateUse copperconductors onlyPowerdistributionblockSee note 3Component locationTypical heatpump T-statCompr.CoolingFan24 V a.c.CommonAlarmSee note 6 fordry alarm contactSizes 006, 009, 012See note 7TestpinsSeenote 4Low temp.Low temp.AlarmrelaySeenote 5See note 8See note 5Relay Off OnRelayPM: Disable/enableUnit stage: 2/1T-stat: heat cool/heat pumpRV on 8/RV on 0Dehumid/normalNot usedBoilerless: Enable/disableBoilerless: 4.4°C/10°CDip switch packageOff OnDXMMicroprocessorcontrol logicSee note 7Acc1FunctionsAcc2FunctionsH:Hi fan/dehumidNot usedFan enablerelayFanspeedrelayStatusTestFaultSee note 4TXV unitsCap. tubeunitsRV relayCompr.relayS1 S2Dip switch package