258 - SYSTEM TESTSystem testing provides the ability to check the control operation.The control enters a 20-minute test mode by momentarily shor-ting the test pins (see Figs. 9-12). All time delays are reducedby a factor of 15.8.1 - Test modeTo enter test mode on C or D controls, cycle the power 3 timeswithin 60 seconds. The LED (light-emitting diode) will flash acode representing the last fault when entering the test mode.The alarm relay will also power on and off during test mode(see Tables 13 and 14). To exit test mode, short the terminalsfor 3 seconds or cycle the power 3 times within 60 seconds.NOTE: Deluxe D control has a flashing code and alarm relaycycling code that will both have the same numerical label.For example, flashing code 1 will have an alarm relay cyclingcode 1. Code 1 indicates the control has not faulted since thelast power off to power on sequence.Table 13 - C control current LED status and alarmrelay operationsLED status Description of operation Alarm relayOn Normal mode OpenNormal mode with PM warning Cycle(closed 5 sec., open 25 sec.)Off C control is non-functional OpenSlow flash Fault retry OpenFast flash Lockout ClosedSlow flash Over/under voltage shutdown Open(closed after 15 minutes)Flashing code 1 Test mode - No fault in memory Cycling code 1Flashing code 2 Test mode - HP fault in memory Cycling code 2Flashing code 3 Test mode - LP fault in memory Cycling code 3Flashing code 4 Test mode - FP1 fault in memory Cycling code 4Flashing code 5 Test mode - FP2 fault in memory Cycling code 5Flashing code 6 Test mode - CO fault in memory Cycling code 6Flashing code 7 Test mode - Over/under Cycling code 7shutdown in memoryFlashing code 8 Test mode - PM in memory Cycling code 8Flashing code 9 Test mode - FP1/FP2 Cycling code 9swapped fault in memoryLegendCO - Condensate overflowFP - Freeze protectionHP - High pressureLED - Light-emitting diodeLP - Low pressurePM - Performance MonitorNotes:1. Slow flash is 1 flash every 2 seconds.2. Fast flash is 2 flashes every 1 second.3. EXAMPLE: “Flashing code 2” is represented by 2 fast flashes followed by a 10-second pause. This sequence will repeat continually until the fault is cleared.Table 14 - C control LED code and fault descriptionsLED code Fault Description1 No fault in memory There has been no fault since the lastpower-down to power-up sequence2 High pressure switch HP open instantly3 Low pressure switch LP open for 30 continuous secondsbefore or during a call (bypassed forfirst 60 seconds)4 Freeze protection coax - FP1 FP1 below temp. limit for 30 continuousseconds (bypassed for first 60 secondsof operation)5 Freeze protection air coil - FP2 FP2 below temp. limit for 30 continuousseconds (bypassed for first 60 secondsof operation)6 Condensate overflow Sense overflow (grounded) for 30continuous seconds7 Over/under voltage “R” power supply is <19 V a.c. or(Autoreset) shutdown >30 V a.c.8 PM warning Performance Monitor warning hasoccurred9 FP1 and FP2 thermistors FP1 temperature is higher than FP2 inare swapped heating/test mode, or FP2 temperatureis higher than FP1 in cooling/test mode.LegendFP - Freeze protectionHP - High pressureLED - Light-emitting diodeLP - Low pressurePM - Performance Monitor8.2 - Retry modeIn retry mode, the status LED will start to flash slowly to signalthat the control is trying to recover from an input fault. Thecontrol will stage off the outputs and try to again satisfy thethermostat used to terminal Y. Once the thermostat input callsare satisfied, the control will continue normal operation.NOTE: If 3 consecutive faults occur without satisfying thethermostat input call to terminal Y, the control will go intolockout mode. The last fault causing the lockout is stored inmemory and can be viewed by entering test mode.8.3 - Aquazone Deluxe D control LED indicatorsThere are 3 LED indicators on the D control:Status LED - Status LED indicates the current status or modeof the D control. The status LED light is green.Test LED - Test LED will be activated any time the D control isin test mode. The test LED light is yellow.Fault LED - Fault LED light is red. The fault LED will alwaysflash a code representing the last fault in memory. If there is nofault in memory, the fault LED will flash code 1 on the controland appear as 1 fast flash alternating with a 10-second pause(see Table 15).