ComfortVu™ BACnet Thermostat Model Standard TB-HM (Line voltage)Carrier Proprietary and Confidential CARRIER CORPORATION ©2020Installation and Operation Guide All rights reserved31Wiring and DIP Switch configurations 10 to 13 – AC systemsw/wo Humidifier for humidification, with Reheat for dehumidificationOutputsConfig. 10:HC221 Speed fan, Humidifier,Reheat forDehumidificationConfig. 11:HP311 Speed fan, Humidifier,Reheat forDehumidificationConfig. 12:HC112/3 Speeds fan,Humidifier, Reheat forDehumidificationConfig. 13:HP212/3 Speeds fan, Reheatfor Dehumidification11 Heat element 2(2nd stage heat)Heat element 2(3rd stage heat) Fan high Fan high12 Heat element 1(2)(1st stage heat)Heat element 1(2)(2nd stage heat)Fan medium(or Economizer(5))Fan medium(or Economizer(5))13 Fan (1 speed) Fan (1 speed) Fan low Fan low14 Compressor 2 Heat Pump(2) Heat element(2) Heat element(2)(2nd stage heat)15 Compressor 1(3) Compressor(3) Compressor(3) Compressor(3)16 X X X Heat pump(2)AO1 X X X XAO2 Humidifier Humidifier HumidifierSW3SW2(1) SW3.1, SW3.2 – Fan speeds: 2 speeds (Low and High):3 speeds (Low, Med., and High):SW3.1 = OFF, SW3.2 = ONSW3.1 = OFF, SW3.2 = OFF(2) SW3.4 – HP (Heat pump):HC (not heat pump):ON = Heat pump active in cool, OFF = Heat pump active in heatON = Electrical heater, OFF = Oil/Gas heater (no fan)(3) SW3.5 – Compressor delay: ON = Disable, OFF = Enable(4) SW1.3 – Dehumidification: ON = Use dehumidifier, OFF = Use reheat for dehumidification(5) SW1.6 – Terminal 12 operation: ON = EconomizerOFF = Fan Medium (3 speeds) / Terminal not in use (2 speeds)Important: Economizer will not work in 3 fan speeds configuration.See drawing for DIP switch and jumper locations (page 24).Fan on/off: 110-230VAC, 2.5A max., Humidifier: 0-10VDC, 0.5mA Not isolatedControl - Heat elements, Heat pump, Compressors, Economizer: 110-230VAC, 0.3A max.